Monday, January 25, 2010

Food Nazi Week Day 1

Pam has declared this week Food Nazi Week. Though she never actually named it that, I have given this week its rightful title due to its regimented nature, and its cleansing intentions. Anyway, I will explain the rules of "Food Nazi Week" and for the next 7 days (that's including this one) I will journal my experience.


On January 22 at 3:32PM I received the following in my e-mail inbox.

Dear Joel,

Attached is a personalized, custom dining plan for one week for your perusal. Yes, the daily calories are pretty low for a guy, but it would be ideal for a kick-off week for fitness. I worked really hard on it and want to try it. Not included is, of course, lots of water, and you could probably sneak some diet Pepsi in too - maybe save it for exclusively after kids are in bed or something.


Attached to the e-mail was the file which can be downloaded here.

I have posted these things with permission from my wife. I want to make it clear that the whole Nazi dictator thing is a complete joke. I am allowed to eat as much fruit or veggies as I want beyond the plan and this is only for ONE week. Anyway, I don't want anyone getting any ideas that Pam is trying to run my life, she is just throwing together some good food to eat that is healthy and good for our family as a whole. AND if she DID want to run my life, I'd probably let her. However, in the spirit of my own sick fun I will refer to my wife throughout this blog exclusively as the Food Nazi Dictator (or FND).

Day 1

Today marks the first day of Food Nazi Week. We started off with a bowl of Crispix. I don't eat breakfast, almost ever... I'm not a big fan of cereal and I'd rather just get up and go. I realize this isn't a good habit but it's what I do. I ate the bowl of cereal and a banana. It was good, but nothing to write home about. Just to blog about I guess.
After our weekly trip for groceries we headed home and I was promptly served a bowl of sliced apples and peanut butter. I enjoyed it. The apples were good but the best part was sitting at the table with Gabriel and munching them. He ate them in half the time it took me.
Because we would have Cooper today at noon, Food Nazi Dictator went on her run right after snack time. Cooper came and so did lunch. We had open faced tuna sandwiches and steamed broccoli and I had an orange.
FND and I stayed up late last night because we decided we were going to start at season one of "Lost" at and we got hooked right away. The stupid show leaves you hanging big-time after every episode. We couldn't let it go. Anyway, we got to bed much later than usual and were very tired come post lunch. In a rare moment at the Rohde's everyone in the house napped at the same time. I woke first and put on my running clothes and did a quick 3 miles (which is getting to be pretty easy and normal). Then got home and sat down as FND presented me with carrots and light ranch dressing to dip them in. I didn't eat the ranch. It wasn't any good really. I did eat all my carrots though. I really enjoyed that time too because, again Gabriel ate with me and, again he ate super duper fast. He loves veggies. I like them, he LOVES them. There's a difference between like and love, like...I like my Prada Backpack, but I LOVE my Sketchers.
When supper rolled around we were going to eat burgers. Not just any burgers, however. Seriously, the very best burgers I've ever had in my life; hands down. Food Nazi Dictator got a new recipe book, and the thing has been dynamite any time she's used it. Tonight, FND was the Enola Gay dropping a freaking A-Bomb on Rohde-shima. It was an incredible meal. Let me explain these things to you. Turkey, not beef. No mustard, ketchup, mayo, or any other kind of sauce. Chili Peppers mixed in the Turkey. Topped with lettuce, tomato, pepper-jack cheese, red onion, and avocado. If you would have told me that is what we were having last night I would have probably not been looking forward to it. I know that if anyone is actually reading this they are possibly thinking, no way, never. You HAVE to try this recipe. It is unbelievable. I have never tasted such a flavorful burger in my life. Red-Robin should put this on the menu. It is less than half the calories of a burger you would get at McDonald's and 100 times as good. I don't care if you like veggies or not, you must try it. I grilled the burgers too, which is fun in 5 degrees with a 40mph wind and a light snow. We also had Sweet Potato fries that were from the recipe book. They were good as well. FND said they were her favorite part. They were absolutely yummy. To top it off we had pees. I love pees. It was a great meal.

Because we so enjoy the time together Food Nazi Dictator planned a late night snack for each night this week. Tonight is Tostitos and Salsa. Altogether today we will have consumed under 2000 calories which is about 1200 calories less than what I would need to eat to maintain my current weight. Add to that 3 miles running you can subtract about 350-400 calories, it makes for a good day. I am not hungry at all and I liked everything I was given to eat with the exception of the light ranch dressing. I look forward to the rest of...

Food Nazi Week.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

If Only We All Could Love Like G

So Gabriel is a lover. He is one that will randomly come over to you, hug you, kiss you, and say, "You look pretty" (even if you are a boy). He is a little boy that gets into trouble as well though. That brings me to this story.

Once upon a time there was a bedroom with safety handles that a certain mother and father put on the inside so their lovely child would know that at bedtime he may as well go to sleep because he is not escaping. As the child grew up, however, he figured out how to remove said safety handles and therefor became fully capable of opening his door ever so slightly, and peeking out. On certain occasions, if he thought the coast was clear, he would, as quietly as possible, tip-toe his way down the hall to peek into the living room. When spotted he would race back into his room and climb into bed and act as if nothing had happened. At some point, every night, mom and dad would get tired of the charade and begin to get frustrated. "What should we do?" they would ask each other. They couldn't put him in time out when caught because he would then be out of his room which was the whole plan in the first place. Then dad came up with a plan. The next time dad heard the door open ever so slightly he said, "Gabriel (that was obviously the boy's name), the next time you open your door, Curious George will get a time out." You see; dad knew that his son had a soft spot for his stuffed Curious George doll. Mom and dad thought this had done the trick, for many minutes passed by without a sound from his room. But then, ever so softly, and ever so slowly, the click of the door's latch crept down the hall and into the ears of mom and dad. Determined to follow through, dad walked down the hall, picked up his son, and put him into bed. He then picked up Curious George and said with the drama of a Broadway star, "Curious George, I'm so sorry, but you have to have a time out because Gabriel couldn't listen to mom and dad. I'm very sorry." He then took the doll and placed him on the highest shelf in the room facing the wall and exited the room, pulling the door behind him. For the next two minutes, Gabriel sobbed. So genuinely he cried. He mumbled through his tears things like, "I need Curious George. May I please have Curious George. Please no time out Curious George." When the ding of the kitchen timer went off marking the two minute time Dad went to release Curious George from his bondage. Gabriel took Curious George into his arms and hugged him close and said, "I'm Sorry Curious George" through short breaths marking the end of his grief. Mom and Dad didn't hear from him the rest of the night. The mere mention of a Curious George time out is now all it takes for mom and dad to once again enjoy their evenings together without interruption. And they lived happily ever after...for now.

The End

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

Feel the Magic

This is for Emily. As I did it I thought I would throw down an offer. If I can get 7 people to comment on this post by saying they would be interested in possibly buying a shirt sporting this design, I will look into creating a t-shirt out of this image, pricing it out, and then ordering it for people. :)

Why I Need A Tri-Pod

Here are two pictures I took last night at 1:30am. One is a pic of the moon through our tree in front. The other is a pic of our backyard. The shadow of our backyard tree was like a spiderweb on our snowy yard. It was pretty, but the picture is a bit blurry because it was dark out. It did a great job of capturing the color of the sky with the full moon. Reflecting off the snow, the light allowed you to see almost as if it were daytime. I would have taken more pictures, but it was cold; the type of cold that actually burns your skin.