Monday, December 15, 2008

The Story of My Night

We went to a Go Fish concert tonight with Gabriel. It was weird how insanely involved he was in the concert. I don't think kids his age typically sit for two hours completely focused on what is going on in front of him.

The Story of Gabriel at the concert in very short musings:

The lights go off announcing the start of the concert, big pillars glow with different Christmas colors on stage. Gabriel immediately sits at attention.

The song "Christmas with a Capital C" starts things off with Jason nearest us, Jamie in the middle, and Andy on the far side of the stage. They aren't singing quite yet, just a recording of some comedian talking about Christmas being spelled with a "C". Gabriel grabs mom and climbs in her lap because he's not sure what is going on. They start singing. Gabriel snaps back to attention because he knows those voices.

They continue singing, kids all over the venue begin singing along, then dancing, pumping fists, clapping, head-banging, etc... Gabriel watches closely.

They continue singing. Gabriel starts clapping, then dancing, head-banging, then stops, then remembers he can, then stops.

Intermission. Diaper change, Gabriel introducing himself to complete strangers, many complete strangers oohing and ahhing over this cute kid running around in P.J.'s. Same old comments, "He's so cute." "How old is he?" "He walks so well."

Singing starts again, Gabriel is so into it even though his eyes are half closed because he is so tired.

Concert ends, standing ovation. Encore "Little Drummer Boy" Interlude in the middle of the song with Jamie Statema playing a huge drum set that was just rolled out on the stage. Mom fighting hard to keep Gabriel from jumping up, climbing up on stage, and kicking Jamie off the drums so he can play.

Concert actually ends. Mom and Dad decide the line is to long to meet Jamie, Jason, and Andy. Car is started. Gabriel is sleeping before we are out of the parking lot.

Arrive home 10:45. Gabriel wakes up and has a tough time falling asleep. Finally finds himself in dreamland on moms chest as she blogs on the computer. Dad blogs about another great night with the family. Then he shuts his computer and goes to sleep.