Our Living Room

Our Kitchen

Our Bedroom

Our Dining Room

Our Basement

Our Staircase

The little basement room we didn't know what to do with

Back Patio

All in all it was a pretty productive week. It really is amazing what a week's time and some hard work will get you. We call this sweat equity. Anyway, we can't wait to have you all over to enjoy our new house.
My word verification word for my last comment was "unnestr" as in, "If that stupid hen doesn't get off her ass so I can steal her eggs I'll have to unnestr."
You are really funny. I want the same people to come work on my house. Jake, I think that you need your mouth washed out with soap. Look how the roles have been reversed. By the way, my word verification is dizeses, which might be why that hen doesn't move.
Ha! I think it's fabulous that you commented on Jake's language, Lisa. I tried to stop him from writing it, but he insisted his mother would think it was funny.
Ok, now for more of the truth. I swear a lot more than Jake does (gasp). Will you guys still accept me and not make me eat soap? :)
You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and there you have, THE FACTS OF LIFE.
Unconditional love baby!!!! You are stuck with us. By the way, I did think it was funny, and Dad says it is the computer that needs to be washed with soap and water.
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