Gabriel spotted cartoon Adam and Eve in one of his Bible books and told me that he likes girls.
Micah sneezed while eating supper tonight thus giving Pam a shower of soupy squash.
Gabriel had a poopy diaper and insisted it was peanut butter (we had peanut butter for lunch). Then he tooted and said it was a "peanut butter toot".
Pam, Gabriel, and Micah all fell asleep at the exact same time on top of each other and remained that way through nap time.
Gabriel showed up behind me while I was doing dishes with his mesh clothes basket upside down with him standing in it. Then, not knowing anyone was watching, proceeded to spin it around on his head. THEN he laid it on its side and claimed it was a cave where a tiger lived. He got in it and growled at me for probably 5 minutes. (I am not kidding, he came up with that all on his own.)
I have the greatest kids in the world. I've been contemplating how all parents think that. Then everyone grows up. That sucks. I just hope I can raise them to be like their mom. Then they would stay perfect. The unfortunate part is that I am somehow going to pass on some of me to them and that is what will inevitably make them less than perfect. Bummer.
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