Thanksgiving is an odd holiday. Don't get me wrong; I absolutely love Thanksgiving, however, isn't it weird that on the same day we go from talking about what we are thankful for around a table containing more food than the continent of Africa, then turn around and stand in line at Wal-Mart so we can get that $5 toy stroller and $10 waffle maker? It's a little backwards to me, yet I still love Thanksgiving. I decided to do a list of 10 things I'm thankful for. In no particular order...

I'm thankful for:
- Jesus
- My wife Pam
- Mom and Dad
- My kids
- My church
- My job at my church
- My friends
- My in-laws
- Pam's job that allows us to fly to cool places
- Our new waffle maker (only $10 at Wal-Mart)
Those are just a few. What are 10 things you are thankful for?
1. My freedom to stay home and not be forced to shop on Thanksgiving.
2. Jesus
3. My family and friends
4. My new job opportunity in Iowa
5. A wonderfully supportive, caring, encouraging network of family and friends (it's different than #3)
6. Netflix
7. Businesses like Penske who let you rent moving trucks at affordable (sorta) prices
8. cardboard boxes
9. Religious freedom in my country (however short-lived it may be in the future)
10. My incredible wife, Elizabeth, who can get more done in an hour than I can get done in a day.
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