Saturday, December 26, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting Pumped Up

Over this last month or two I've become rather close with my iPod. We have grown very close and I've come to rely on the tunes that he (the iPod) pumps through my head while I'm out poundin' the pavement. I thought that I should share what is on my running playlist. Before I do that however I must provide a disclaimer. Some of these songs include words in their lyrics that are not appropriate for the faint of heart or he who is without sin. They can be pretty bad. Typically I don't listen to much of this music outside of running, but this stuff really does the trick.

Now for the list:

We Won't Be Quiet by David Crowder

*Take Me Away by 4 Strings - Imagine a song that you would dance to on DDR. It is totally gay. But for some reason makes me want to run.

Crazy in Love by Beyonce' - Yeah, not embarrased by this one whether you think I should be or not.

Until the End by Breaking Benjamin - I LOVE THIS BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will see much from this artist. "Why give up? Why give in? It's not enough. It never is. So I will go on until the end. We've become desolate. It's not enough. It never is. So I will go on until the end."

Lose Yourself by Eminem - I don't do rap, ever, except when I run. And while Eminem is pretty cool, his lyrics are really quite incredible, and all that, I still don't do rap except when I run. "Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted-one moment would you capture it or just let it slip? You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo"

Points of Authority by Linkin Park

Victory by Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G. and their cronies - I watched the movie NOTORIOUS and it was great. B.I.G.'s story is incredible, but it wasn't enough to make me like rap. Maybe I should like rap?

Made to Love by Toby Mac

Follow Me by Breaking Benjamin

So Cold by Breaking Benjamin - "You're so cold, but you feel alive"

Breath by Breaking Benjamin


I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin - "I will not bow I will not break I will shut the world away I will not fall I will not fade I will take your breath away"

This is Your Life by Switchfoot - "This is your life, are you who you want to be?"

Can't Be Touched by Body Head Bangers - rap. Lyrics pump me up. "can't Be Touched can't Be Stopped can't Be Moved can't Be Rocked can't Be Shook"

So Much to Say by Dave Matthews Band - This is my favorite artist and he is totally tripping. When you listen to him you completely forget about real life. His lyrics don't always make a lot of sense to me, but his music speaks to my sould. He is a complete hippie and that is why I listen to him while I run. I forget completely that I am running and that is good.

Let's Get it Started by Black Eyed Peas - you know..."and runnin, runnin, and runnin runnin..."

Highway to Hell by AC/DC

The Saints are Comin by U2 and Green Day - The way this song builds can really carry you far and push your jog to the next level.

Halo II theme (Mjolnir Mix) - Heroic...just like me:)

What Would you Say by Dave Matthews Band

Vertigo by U2

I am Free by Desperation Band

Ignition by Toby Mac - "Turn on, turn on the ignition. Everybody! Come on, come on and turn on the ignition."

Tripping Billies by Dave Matthews Band

Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows - There are a million versions of this song. Counting Crows does it the best in my oppinion. They have a female vocalist that does harmonies. She is great.

Headstrong by Trapt

I Dare You to Move by Switchfoot

Elevation by U2

Gonna Fly Now by Bill Conti - How can you run without at least one Rocky song?

Africa by Karl Wolf - Great harmonies give me something else to think about. I'm not counting this song as rap. It is too cool.

Till I Collapse by Eminem - Okay so maybe not all rap sucks. Great lyrics set over the "We Will Rock You" beat.
"'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse."

Go Hard or Go Home by E40

Stronger by Kanye West - "Work it harder, make it better,do it faster, makes us stronger, more than ever, never over, Our work here is never over."

Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin - This is actually the end game theme to Halo. I don't really play Halo but its music is awesome. "Fire your guns It's time to run
Blow me away."

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yes, another post about running.

I am learning a whole bunch of stuff. We have now wrapped up 8 weeks of training for this marathon thing. If you had asked me 3 months ago what I thought about running I would have told you that it wasn't for me and I don't enjoy it. Here is how far we've come, and though I know that I have a long ways yet to go, I have already come a long way.

1. I haven't felt this good or this energized in...well...maybe my whole life. I was even more fit in high school, but even that was so go go go that I'm not sure I could "enjoy" my feeling good.

2. I have a two year old that finds it fun to take off like a bat out of hell anytime we set him down in a store. He can turn on a dime and will NOT look back. He doesn't care if we are following or not. 3 months ago I hated this because, even though he is two, he is fast and I would get tired just chasing him. Not anymore, he doesn't stand a chance now.

3. Long flights of stairs are no problem now.

4. I look forward to the next Rohde rendezvous so we can play football and I can outlast my brothers. I think after a marathon, I might even be able to give Jaron a run for his money.

5. I want to climb Mount Bishop with Jaron. I hated climbing it last time.

6. Runners are really cool people. They always have a word of encouragement as you pass them on the road. They always wave, smile, and warn you of loose dogs or ice or things.

7. Did I mention that I feel great! Every day as I start the run I go about half a mile or 1 mile and I feel sore, but then it is an experience when all of a sudden all pain goes away and you feel like you could run forever. This really happens. I never really believed it. I can promise that you honestly get to a point where it doesn't even matter anymore.

8. I don't suck wind anymore. At this point, I think the only thing that would stop me from running would be pain in my legs or lower back. I don't get tired and need to suck wind. The training is specifically designed to strengthen the areas of the body that are hit hard during running. So I don't think I even have to worry about that.

9. There is an overwhelming sense of pride when I get home and think...yeah, I just ran 2 miles.

10. I can't wait till I'm running 7-8 miles every time I go out.

11. You should see my calf muscles. Yeah, if I can get my belly to go away and my arms to beef up like my calves, I'm going to try out for the next twilight movie. Gosh, if THEY can get a part with their crappy acting, surely I could fit in somewhere.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Emily's Game

Thanks Emily, I've been wanting to do this all day. :) Pam went to bed, but I just had to get this done.

My Chosen Band:
Dave Matthews Band (of course)

Are you male or female?
What Would You Say

Describe Yourself.
Proudest Monkey

How Do You Feel?
So Damn Lucky

Describe Where You Currently Live.
Down By the River

If You Could Go Anywhere, Where Would You Go?
Louisiana Bayou

Your Favorite Form of Transportation Is A...
Joy Ride

Your Best Friend Is A...

You and Your Best Friends Are...
Ants Marching

What is the Weather Like?
Still Water

Favorite Time of Day?
When the World Ends

If Your Life Was A TV Show What Would It Be Called?
Where are You Going

What is Life to You?
Hunger for the Great Light

Your Relationship?

Your Fear?
Alligator Pie (Cockadile)

What is the Best Advice You Have to Give?
Shake Me Like A Monkey

Thought For the Day.
Why I Am

How I Would Like to Die.
Time Bomb

My Soul's Present Condition.
Lying in the Hands of God

My Motto:
Dive In

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Bushy Christmas!

The following is how I personally think the Bush family's Christmas letter should read. (Sorry guys...sort of...)

Dear family and friends. As many of you know Amber and I had a great year. We spent most of the year waiting and preparing for the little guy that would come to us just a couple of weeks ago. That's right! On November 20th, 2009 the world was introduced to Cooper Michael Bush. He has totally rocked our world.

Well, Amber and I wasted no time in our quest to make sure that little Cooper became a well rounded, well-cultured little man. We have spent the last two weeks traveling the world and seeing the very coolest of places. Here are some of our photos.

We started off by flying east...well...west to get to the east and visit the Great Wall of China. It is pretty big, but apparently you actually can't see it from space.

After taking a nice stroll along the wall we took off toward England to tour London. Here is one of the famous bridges.

At the toll of Big Ben we hopped on the bullet train and zipped off to Paris. Turns out the French really ARE that rude, the women really don't shave their armpits, and they hate fries. Really a bummer of a place but the Eiffel Tower was pretty.

Gladiators once fought here and lions ate Christians here too. All the history in this place. I swear I saw Russell Crowe as well!

Here we are at the Brandenburg Gate in Germany. I learned a lot! 1. They have great chocolate. 2. They like cuckoo clocks. 3. Amber is quite a site in lederhosen.

After Germany it was back east to India where we toured the Taj Mahal. It is beautiful but nothing in India makes sense.

Well this trip couldn't be all play. The president asked me if I would come and give a speech to his staff on how to be the coolest dad in the world. I had the whole room in tears. Mainly because I told them that they were shaping up to be complete political failures.

After my meeting with the prez we headed to South Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore. It is pretty cool I guess.

It was about this time in the trip I got this whim of a feeling that we should do something really unique. So we called up NASA and dropped the president's name. They flew us to the moon so we could hop around for awhile. This is how I know you can't see the Great Wall from space.

Well, we finally got home but had to make just one more stop. Here we are rooting for Iowa. We realized that it was hopeless for us to keep rooting for the fighting Illini. It would be sort of like rooting for France in a war. We've switched over and are now rooting for a REAL team.

Well, the year is about to wrap up and we've got no complaints. Cooper is really a blessing. We hope all of you can have as great a year as we have. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


All I can say is...duh! :)

Obama hasn't done anything in office in his first year except for send more troops to Afghanistan. That is just funny and ironic. I think most people would be humbled by this. I'm pretty sure that the U.S. could completely fall to 3rd world status in his term and he wouldn't be humbled. It is soooo completely sad that it is funny.

Did you hear that global warming is a scam? Oh you already knew that? You should tell the media. Yes, a computer hacker broke into the computer of the leading scientist that was overseeing the study of global warming and low and behold he was outed as being a fraud. Apparently there is a lot of money to any scientist willing to prostitute themselves and sign on to an invention called global warming. Since Mr. Gore couldn't get a Nobel prize for his invention of the Internet, global warming was next, and easier. Just pay off a handful of scientists. The media will believe anything a democrat tells them. Lucky for us, most Americans are still smarter than the media.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Okay, so I wouldn't yet call myself a runner, however, I think that I am on my way to becoming one. Here are some weird things that are happening to me.

First, I don't have anymore notches to tighten my belt on. I am going to use the ice pick from T-Sno to make my own. I really won't get too excited until I'm losing pants sizes, but it is interesting.

Second, I find myself thinking about running. Not only do I think about it, I actually, sometimes, believe it or not, WANT to run.

Third, I can run non-stop for ten minutes. That means that I am running over a mile without stopping. To some this is something to laugh at beings that a mile isn't all that impressive, however, this is an accomplishment considering it was high-school the last time I went that far.

Fourth, while running I ENJOY it. It sounds impossible. Quite unbelievable, in fact. Today, as I ran, I found myself running for long periods of time without even thinking about the fact I was running. I'd drift into my own little world and suddenly, "wake up" when my alarm went off to mark the end of my 10 minute intervals. It is such a rush.

So anyway, I am starting to relate to an entire group of people that I never thought I'd even begin to understand. Yay. I look forward to getting to know you better oh pounder of the pavement.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


For your viewing pleasure. (Note: Jake, my brother, who has learned photography and is really good at it, needs to get this camera. MY subject matter, however, is as beautiful as can be.)

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Happy Birthday

Today was a great day. I am tired though so this will be short.

We ate at Texas Road House where I had to sit on a saddle while everyone laughed at me.

Pam took me to see Andrew Landers in concert at the Redstone Room.

John and I got the overhang, counter, and A.C. at Tro-Sno put away for the winter.

And I walked into Best Buy tonight to pass the time while Pam, John, Holly, Ashley, Gabriel, and Micah went to Sam's. I looked at the Nikon D5000 because you have to look just because. Well, it turns out it was on sale for an incredible price. A Black Friday only sale. It put it into range for Pam and I. After calling Pam we actually bought the camera. Trust me, it is NOT like us to buy anything anywhere on Black Friday. ESPECIALLY not Best Buy. This just worked out though. So anyway, here are the first pictures. I literally took the camera out of the box, put the battery in, attached the lense, and snapped some photos. Then the battery ran out.
They're nothing special, but at least you will see that they have no blurry border.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Team Alice


of course


Seriously ladies. He's 17 years old. At the movie last night over 1/2 of the people there were at least 35 years old and female. Every time...and I mean EVERY time Taylor made an entrance the crowd went wild as if we were at a strip joint for girls. It was gross.

I was funny though and did the same thing when Dakota Fanning made her appearance.

No one laughed.

Except me :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

John Smith

There is a show on public radio called "This American Life". It is aired here on Sunday afternoons around 3 or 4 I believe. What this show does is take stories that are "uniquely American" and tell them. Despite it's expected public radio liberal spin, it is an absolutely incredible show that I would suggest listening to.

On Emily's last visit she re-introduced Pam and I to her parent's Netflix account. We hadn't watched anything on it for ages, but now we've watched quite a few streaming movies when the kids go to bed. First, I want to say thanks to the Langs. Yay. Second I want to tell you about something Pam and I stumbled upon. You are able to watch "This American Life" on Netflix. I had heard that they had made it into a TV show on Showtime, but I'd never seen it. Now Pam and I have watched almost every episode. It is fascinating.

Tonight Pam and I watched one called John Smith. They decided that they wanted to follow one person's life from birth to death, but they didn't want to have to follow one person around for 80 years for obvious reasons. So they instead followed 7 different people around, all named John Smith, and all at different stages of life. One of the most interesting things is that they didn't know each other. They had a baby, an 8 year old, a 23 year old, a 36 year old, a 46 year old, a 70 year old, and a 79 year old. They put the show together in a way that kept them all separate people but looked like one life. I can't really explain it any better than that, but I can say that it was the single most ingenious bit of TV that I've probably ever seen. It was utterly engaging. It captured such a normal life, yet 7 ways unique. Toward the end the parents of the newborn are talking about the things that they wish for their baby and as they are talking about their hopes for John, they show how the other 6 Johns have lived it out. You have to see it. It apparently won a ton of awards too.

For those of you who have access to a Netflix account look up "This American Life: Season 2: John Smith" and watch it. It is 1 hour. Make sure you have some time.

For those of you who don't pay the $3 for it on iTunes and download it HERE.
You really should see this show.

The Greatest Kids

Funny things that happened today.

Gabriel spotted cartoon Adam and Eve in one of his Bible books and told me that he likes girls.

Micah sneezed while eating supper tonight thus giving Pam a shower of soupy squash.

Gabriel had a poopy diaper and insisted it was peanut butter (we had peanut butter for lunch). Then he tooted and said it was a "peanut butter toot".

Pam, Gabriel, and Micah all fell asleep at the exact same time on top of each other and remained that way through nap time.

Gabriel showed up behind me while I was doing dishes with his mesh clothes basket upside down with him standing in it. Then, not knowing anyone was watching, proceeded to spin it around on his head. THEN he laid it on its side and claimed it was a cave where a tiger lived. He got in it and growled at me for probably 5 minutes. (I am not kidding, he came up with that all on his own.)

I have the greatest kids in the world. I've been contemplating how all parents think that. Then everyone grows up. That sucks. I just hope I can raise them to be like their mom. Then they would stay perfect. The unfortunate part is that I am somehow going to pass on some of me to them and that is what will inevitably make them less than perfect. Bummer.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Hmm. I never wanted to buy a CosmoGirl magazine until...

Nope...still don't want to.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Don't Like OCC

There. I said it. I don't like OCC. For those of you (probably all 2 of you that actually read this thing) who don't know, OCC stands for Operation Christmas Child. That is something you have likely heard of.

This is how it works. Each year at this time people all over the country stand in front of their local church congregation and rally the troops to fill shoe boxes with "love" and send it over sees to "needy" children and thus proclaim that Jesus saved the world with his love. These boxes are filled with small toys and dolls as well as things that "needy children" would need like combs, socks, hairbrushes, toothbrushes, toilet paper, etc... The boxes are then shipped to giant regional headquarters in various cities across the country, checked through for security purposes, and then Samaritan's Purse adds a storybook type Bible that explains the gospel in the native tongue of the recipient child.

All of that sounds good. The gospel being spread throughout the nations. Hooray! I am totally in support of that.

Point #1.
I fear, however, in our westernized culture that we are missing the message that is truly being sent. In essence OCC preaches that Jesus is Santa Clause. Jesus love means getting candy, toys, and socks for Christmas. About $20 worth. There is no real understanding of the culture behind this message either. It is Americans saying, this is Jesus. I don't think it is a good representation of the real Jesus.
"But Joel," you say, "wouldn't Jesus want to see these kids smiling and happy for the first time maybe in their whole life. I mean, they are so needy. This is in the true spirit of giving!"
Let me ask you this. Say you wanted people to know who you are and the sacrifice that you made on their behalf like dying for them, would you want them to preach that message by walking around giving everyone a hug and spreading good cheer? Personally, it's not for me.

Point #2.
This is a very weak point. I understand that money is the resource we have and you actually take more action putting together a box than you do for a lot of things. You only have to do it once a year though.
OCC is honestly advertised as a great way for people to feel good about serving without it really costing them anything. Service always costs something. End of story. It is a very lazy way of giving. I have to make a disclaimer here, although I know this is true in my heart I have to confess that it is my personal favorite way to give. We support a world vision child named Entella and we donate to "Water for Christmas" with not much more than some money here and there. It is my favorite way. I still don't like it and think it is wrong IF that is the extent of it. Too often, it IS the extent of it. I want to make a point that this is less of an attack on OCC than it is the ideas we've formed of mission.

Point #3.
OCC spends about $7 per box to ship it to a foreign land. That means that since last year they spent about $7 million to send Santa Christ to the world. In a moment I am going to break down that number and show you how some other world mission ministries would have used that money. First I want to point out that this isn't sustainable. You are giving a child happiness for one day, maybe a few weeks or months depending. Really you are only giving them a nice feeling of happiness because the bar of soap you put in the box could really use some water to go with it and even if it happens to find some water to lather and rinse with it will still only last a few months. Okay. $7 million dollars.

Water for Christmas/charity: water = 1400 wells built providing 560,000 people with clean water for 20 years. Clean water in Africa means fewer rapes, education, industry, disease control and prevention, and modernization including technology. In other words, one well in a village completely revolutionizes a community.

World Vision = 19,444 children supported for a year through world vision. This is food. You know, the thing you eat to survive. At least the action figure of Mr. Incredible you sent in the box this year might save the child from being bored.

Heifer International = 14,000 cows. Cows? How is that sustainable. Please read the following.
When a family gets a cow, the cow gives milk. Kids get the milk and the nutrients from it preventing disease and nutrition in a malnourished community. It produces 4 gallons of milk a day leaving plenty to be sold which means there is money for doctors, teachers, etc... Each year that cow gives birth to a new cow which is sent on to another family. Over a few years the community is transformed much the same way as described with water. If you think about it. 14,000 turn into 28,000 and then 56,000 in just three years. THAT is sustainable ministry. Suddenly Jesus' love looks a lot like living water and bread of life. Not so much like Santa Clause.

Here is the kicker. I based these numbers off of the $7 million in postage. Don't give me the "that money is donated by the box donor" speech either. The fact is, we're spending $7 million on postage no matter who pays for it. That is POSTAGE. Each box has around $20 spent on it. That means that Americans are spending around $20 million dollars on this thing each year. Those numbers end up looking like this.

Water = 4000 wells and 1.6 million people with clean water for 20 years (all in a years worth of OCC) You see, we think that it would be so difficult to rid Africa of hunger and preventable disease. A couple years of this kind of money and war is gone, rape is almost nothing comparatively, education competes with the rest of the world, and preventable diseases are...well...prevented.

Vision = 55,556 kids fed for 1 year. Hmmmmmm.

Heifer = 40,000 cows year 1. 80,000 cows year two, and so on...

Things OCC does that you would never see charity: water do is run around doing marketing in a big giant fully painted semi providing drawings for i-pods and other cool things at big Christian gatherings such as the "catalyst" conference in Atlanta. I asked about the possibility of sending a member of our congregation to see the well built in Liberia. I got the following response, "It would be better to take the money for the airfare and build 25% of another well." 100% of donations go toward building wells. Crazy I know. The founder of charity: water is in Iowa right now. He is being carted around by a few friends to talk at fund raising events. No semi for him. I wonder why.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nikon D5000

If you read my wife's blog, which I assume you probably do, you are likely a fan of the pictures that she posts of my totally awesome children doing totally awesome, or at least hilarious, things. Over the past month or two those pictures have become fuzzy and unappealing. If the subject matter wasn't so appealing no one would ever want to see them. This has created an overwhelming hunger for a new camera. After evaluating our use of a camera over the past two years and projecting how much we will use a camera in the future, we have come to the conclusion that we should probably invest in a camera that is durable and actually takes high quality pictures. Enter the Nikon D5000.

This is a fairly expensive camera that will probably take us a long time to save up for, but we are determined. We feel that many people will benefit from this as well. After all, who wouldn't want to look at my kids all the time? :)

Visit HERE to view some pictures that were taken with the Nikon D5000.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Edward as Linebacker

So I was thinking as I watched football tonight. Why wouldn't a vampire play football? They would be the most incredible football player ever and they'd never get hurt. It doesn't make sense.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Andy Landers

A long time hero of mine was in the QC Times with an article on his new album. God is using this guy to single handedly make a huge impact in the area. Read THIS article. My favorite line, by the way, is this one.

"It makes me sad, but so much of Christian music is no deeper than top 40, 'Jesus is my boyfriend.' There are artists I love and respect, but I think: 'Is this the best we have to offer?' " he said.

I want to see the world like Andy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Does He Even Go to Class?

So my brother Jase posted something about writing poems on his blog from his poetry class. I'm wondering if he goes to class because he's only posted one real poem and one "practice" poem. Either that or he is taking the easiest poetry class ever. Just wondering where the poetry is man. You should, in fact, title a poem "Where the Poetry Is" in fact, I am going to take a stab at it.

In quiet corners dim and still he sits
With broken dreams and pen at rest until
Across the million mile expanse is made
A journey of an inch between synapse
And then his hand will move and thus create

Resemble what it is that gives us life
That Father's breath so warm upon the dust
Engraving each His image and His Self
And making all humanity to know
The origins of abilities and life

To want, to need, to understand that thing
Which all the earth will give and will receive
A beauty made in each in all the earth
With grace and form and speechless wonder waits
Such poetry is found within the Word

Okay, so it has been some years since my own poetry class but hey. Now there is a poem out there written in iambic pentameter in the truest since named "Where the Poetry Is"
Ok I'm done for now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Necessity of Change

So it is time. It's been time for awhile. Last night was Gabriel's first full night in his big boy room with a big boy bed. The poor kid wanted desperately to sleep in his big boy bed, but he needs to re-learn how to fall asleep when he can just as easily get up and walk into the living room and eat ice-cream with mom and dad. There was the first couple times of opening his door and walking on out into the living room only to cry as we put him back in bed. Then there was the open the door slowly and peek around and see us and then walk into the hall, put his head on the ground, and cry. Then there was the lay in bed and cry. Then there was that elusive, yet precious sleep.
It is amazing how difficult it can be as a parent to do what is best for your child. He needed sleep and he needs to learn how to sleep with no bars surrounding him. But for some reason, every time he appears from his bedroom you have the desperate urge to just hug him and keep him with you. It is something I would have never understood without having a child of my own.
I had no urge to hug him and keep him this morning when I was woken up by him with his huge eyes wide and bright right in my face, an arm full of trucks and a "tractor book" being tossed on me one by one, and "daddy up" being chanted gleefully into my drowsy ears.
Such is the necessity of change.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Twilight at the Rohde's

So this summer there was a whole ton of estrogen raging through my house devouring book after book of this annoying little series called "Twilight". It was worship at its finest as the characters took center stage in all conversations from about mid-summer till school started. Constant quizzing with questions like, "Do you think Edward could seduce a gorilla?" and "Do you think Edward's penis is like an icicle? How could that be comfortable?" blanketed lunch and dinner time repartee.
Seeing the delight that my wife took in reading the books and also realizing that it isn't fare for me to fully despise the chronicles until I myself have read them, I decided to allow Pam to read the books to me. For the last two-ish weeks Pam has been reading the books to me at night when the kids go to bed. We are definitely not speeding through the books as I usually get about three pages read before I can't stop myself from falling asleep.
Pam has been patient though and last night we read two full chapters! I consider myself a martyr. Here are my thoughts so far. For those of you who have read the books, we are to the place where the "visitors" have just arrived and the "tracker" has caught on to Bella and they are trying to decide what to do about it. Emmit is the only sane one in the group.
The writer, Stephenie Meyer, is an entertainer. She is funny and contemporary and genuine. She is also incredibly, unapologeticly, female, and it seeps through every word of her book. Don't be offended, this isn't a bad thing as her books have obviously topped the charts and made her rich and famous, but seriously, it is true.
Bella, the main character is annoying, snobby, and conceited. She plays the "I'm too ugly and not good enough for anyone" card throughout while scoffing at every other student in her school and seeing them as unintelligent, shallow, immature, kids. Let's put it this way, Bella is allowed to be in love and be all woozy about it. Her friends would be made fun of by Bella if they were this way. In fact, she took a phone call from one friend that had just kissed another of Bella's friends and was SOOOOOO excited, and Bella couldn't even give her the time of day on the phone. Listening politely as she thought about herself. She is my least favorite character.
Edward is cool except he somehow likes Bella. It makes as much sense as a cat entering a dog show.
Charlie seems really great since he lets Bella live with him. He is her dad. He should have been played by Dennis Quaid in the movie. That is just who I picture playing his part. I don't know why.
Jacob doesn't have a big part in this book but apparently he becomes more important as things progress. So far he seems OK, but lets face it, Bella uses him as a tool.
The Cullen family (Edward's faux fam.) They are really pretty cool. My favorite parts of the book are definitely when the Cullens are around. My favorite, though, is Alice. I don't know why, but she is just the one I like best.
Reading this book, thus far, has been a good experience over-all. At least I can fairly say that it is NOT as good as everyone around me this summer made it out to be. I liken it to watching a Vikings vs. Packers football game on my TV. I LOVE watching football. It is great. But on my TV about every 10 seconds it will go all pixely and pause for a second or two because it is on a converter box and the reception is just not strong where we are at. The game is good and fun, but it is crazy annoying that it cuts out sporadically throughout. Twilight does the same thing. The story is good and just when you are getting into it a bit Bella goes into a paragraph soliloquy about how Edward looks like a model in a raincoat (Joel puts fingers down his throat and gags). Good story laced with ultra-cheesy romantic gestures makes Twilight a GREAT book for teens and a mediocre book for adults.
That is my personal view of the book. I understand that 9 out of 10 people are ridiculously obsessed with Twilight and would shoot down everything I wrote. Fine. I don't care. They are also the same people that say we should be accepting of all views and opinions. It's BS; smoke blown out of two sides of the mouth.
My brother Jase, by the way, isn't allowed to have any opinions about anything for the next two years until he is able to float back down to earth from la la land. That isn't meant to be a slam. You see he is engaged and is SUPPOSED to be hovering on cloud nine. I am SUPER DEEEE DUPER happy for him. It's not even that I would disagree with him. In fact, I would probably agree with him fully on most things that he would have an opinion about, however his opinions don't count for awhile. It is a fair trade. By the way, on things that aren't opinion and just fact, he remains a starter in the game. Listen to Jase's advice on crucial, truth matters. Not necessarily his opinion on gray matters. They are rose colored to him right now. I love you Jase:)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Football Season is Coming

My brother blogs a football blog. I'm a little bummed that there's been no updates for a looooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg time. Here is the deal, there has been a TON going on with the pre-season starting, last minutes signings (Favre wearing purple?) and anticipation for an awesome year. Brother where art thou? I want to hear your thoughts. If you've never read this blog of his, and you care at all about football, the cowboys, or the sport in general, it is worth a read. Now that I am writing this he will probably have to update it soon so, please, click on the link to it found under my links on the right over there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Things I Love

A list of some of the things that I love.

-Getting phone calls from Gabriel when Pam doesn't know he's calling. (seriously had a 15 minute chat about nothing the other day. He talked nearly the whole time. The only person in the world I don't mind chatting with even if we don't have anything to talk about.)

-When Micah gets so excited he laughs. (Mind you it isn't yet a full fledged laugh but rather a great gasp of air that you can tell would be a laugh if he could laugh.)

-When Gabriel sings to himself while he plays. Today Pam called to tell me he was singing "Holy Holy Holy". That makes my day.

-When Micah falls asleep on me.

-My wife of course doing anything that she does.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Johnny and Chachi

So from time to time I peruse a couple of different websites looking for ideas for videos and media that we could insert into our worship service. I have to admit that probably about 80% of what I see is complete cheese. 10% is just not usable for some reason or another. Then there is that last 10% that is just what the doctor ordered. While the following video link isn't one we will use right now, come the right sermon series these videos would rock. Introducing Johnny and Chachi. Click here to go and see these videos.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Hate Your Life

The following are lyrics of a song that I wrote. I think they speak for themselves. It was inspired by an incredible sermon I heard on the radio last night. Give me your thoughts. I am hoping to stir up controversy here. JK!

You think you've got me in a corner
I am a Christian so I have to love you
But you live a life of sin
You think you have no freakin obligation
To repent and follow Jesus

I hate your life
There I said it
I ain't going to pretend no more
I can't accept it
I am a reflection of the Son
He is God
And He's Just
just as He is merciful
He hates your life
Well so do I

It may sound strong and it might be harsh
But I can't take it anymore
You like to boast about it
Justify your sin by shoutin it
I don't have to love you anymore

I hate your life
There I said it
I ain't going to pretend no more
I can't accept it
I am a reflection of the Son
He is God
And He's Just
just as He is merciful
He hates your life
Well so do I

It's all the Christian's fault
We let it get this bad
We let our ideas of love
Dictate how we let things like this go
Now their out of control
Their out of our grasp
We're sitting on the sidelines
Letting people do whatever they please
And we don't tell them

I hate your life
There I said it
I ain't going to pretend no more
I can't accept it
I am a reflection of the Son
He is God
And He's Just
just as He is merciful
He hates your life
Well so do I

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

5 Minute Wake Up Call

Last night was youth group and we pulled an all-nighter. We have one student leaving for the Marine Corps in a week and so we had a going away party. Anyway, I was at the office all day yesterday and didn't get to see my family very much at all. This morning then, after 3 hours of sleep, I accompanied my wife and children to the i-Wireless Center to drop off Tropical Sno stuff. It is always fun because we are allowed to just walk in like we own the place and go wherever we want to go. Anyway, today when we got there we found 12,000 people at a conference called "Get Motivated". As we pulled up to the place we were already making the jokes that you are thinking right now. So we walk in and find that they had moved everything that is normal to abnormal places thus making our jobs harder and wasting a little more of our time. While Pam took Micah and looked for the boss to find where he wanted our stuff, I held Gabriel's hand and stood in the doorway and watched. What I saw made my stomach turn. There on the stage way below me was a very handsome, charismatic man. Right in front of me was that same man on a HUGE video screen. As I watched he began saying "imagine what you could do with unlimited money". He then began scrolling through pictures of himself doing the coolest things in the coolest places. He was snowboarding in New Zealand, relaxing on his ranch in Texas with his racehorse grazing in the background, driving a ridiculously cool car, and about every other richest person in the world type thing that you can imagine. The scary part is that all 12,000 people were watching in awe as he explained how much better life is when you make $2,000 every day and all your worries take care of themselves. Then it hit me that these people were sitting there getting motivated by greed! Of all the lies! Demons were dancing on the roof of that building giving high fives and saying, "mission accomplished." Then I woke up to the horrific realization that darn near everything we do is motivated by money. In fact, the very reason I was standing in that place at the time was for something that would hopefully reap some kind of fiscal reward. We believe in this country that money is the driving force behind all that is good and right. Christians would scoff at that notion, but we are just as guilty. What scares me is that we are often even more guilty because we hide that idea by putting Jesus name in front of it. In our minds, church stops, ministry stops, and Christianity dies if people don't give money. Should people tithe? Oh yes, but I believe that Jesus demands a lot more of us. I think that what He was saying about the widow that gave her last two pennies was more than she had done a greater thing. I think her great deed wasn't in the act of giving, but in the act of trusting God enough that she didn't need to care about money. When will we stop caring about money? I've been to churches that have made it their priority to teach people how to budget in a Christian fashion. I watched this seminar for five minutes and they shot a few slides up on budgeting and they looked EXACTLY like the slides I've seen in the church. It is downright freaky.

Don't get me wrong. It is important to know how to deal with money. Where we go wrong is in the belief that the right way to handle money is to reap more money with it. We have this idea that if you don't have a lot of money, you are obviously not handling the money you do have correctly. You should make smart investments, tithe, save, etc... The world teaches the exact same thing. If the church and the world (which is sinful by nature) are teaching the same thing we should make positive sure that everything is okay with us.

I once heard a preacher say, "keep yourself out of debt so that you aren't tied to anything when God calls you." That is a great statement. I believe it whole-heartedly.

I've heard preachers say, "If you handle your money correctly, and put it where God wants you to put it he will be faithful to bless you with even more than you have. Do what is right and God will never let you down." This is a sack of bull honkey tonkey wonkey. God will be faithful to his promises and his blessings will come sure. I would hesitate to tell Job that if you do everything right God won't take anything away from you. Two prominent members of a church both owned car dealerships that sold Chevy cars. They were both EXTREMELY generous to the church. More so than most people. Why then did they both just have their dealerships closed by Chevrolet? God doesn't work in a way that always makes sense to us. Why can't we feel safe teaching that? God is really only good for us when He gives us what we want. No wonder the church is dying at such an alarming rate here in this greed driven country. When will the church stand up and say, "Forget about money, I have a God who can do without it?"

I contemplated moving my family to a place like China or Brazil or Kenya where the Gospel is spreading like wild fire and Christianity is growing faster than it is dying here. And then I realized something; God has put me here in the biggest mission field in the world. A famous missionary from India to America said this, "It is much harder to be a Christian in America than in India." Never mind that they still kill Christians in India. It is much better than the spiritual death we have all suffered here because we confused God with the green paper in our wallets. The question I ask myself and you is this, "How do you truly love Jesus in America and avoid confusing a love for Him with a love for money?" Also, "How do you teach your kids that?"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Glad They're on My Side

So there are honestly 8 Navy Seals in this picture. Can you find them. I have stared at this thing for a LONG time and haven't found one. It makes me glad they're on my side. If you want a bigger picture click HERE.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One real perk about living in Park View is that there is this coffee shop exactly 3 1/2 blocks from our house. It doesn't have it's own wireless internet, but I pick it up with a strong signal from somewhere close. Thus I am able to blog right now. I am also able to work here. It is wonderful. This afternoon before youth group Pam, Gabe, Micah, Emily, and I are going to the pool. WOOT!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Anyone care to come to my house this week and help me build a floor? It's oak, it's pretty, it's a lot of work. I wonder if I can just will it done????

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The other day we ate at Taco Bell. The people eating at the restaurant were Pam, Emily, Gabriel, Micah (he eats everywhere) and I, and two women in their late 20's early 30's ish with two young children. One of the two ladies was very obviously pregnant. Toward the end of our meal Gabriel had decided to run around T-Bell. Just then the two ladies and the kids started to leave. As they left Gabriel had climbed up on a table that was actually one of those tables that sits higher with higher chairs. We of course got him down, but didn't think it was all that big of a deal. This ladies jaw dropped and she got a look of absolute disgust on her face and very clearly said in a holier than though tone, "Don't fall". It was all harmless, but I thought it was funny since Gabriel had taken nose dives into cement and been just fine. He could have probably beat her up too. The best part of the story, however, is as we left the two ladies had their kids strapped in the car and were both puffing away on cigarettes. Now you tell me something. Who is the bigger parenting success, Pam and I who have at least let our children live a little bit before they kill themselves by falling off a table, or the lady who kills her unborn child by smoking like a chimney?

Another Story:

The other night Emily and I and Tony Percuoco and Pam were all hanging out talking at our house and I said something about wanting to eat something. I spoke the words "I like bananas, I think that mangos are sweet, I like papaya's..."
Emily replied, "Don't even sing that song."
Seeing an opportunity for fun I played dumb, "What song? I was just mentioning that I like those fruits."
"You know the song that says that?" Emily asked.
"Sing it for me, I don't know what you are talking about." I said.
Emily began to sing the song. When she got to, "I like papayas"
I blurted "Papayas?"
It was hilarious because I totally had her thinking that I didn't know the song and had just happened to mention liking all the same fruits that were in the song. As soon as I said, "Papaya's" it hit here that I was playing her. It was VERY amusing.

Another story:
I made home made donuts the other day from scratch. No Pillsbury dough boy helping me. Just me and a recipe book.

Another story:
I have some friends from Ohio State. They wave their little "O" flag every Saturday during football season. They are constantly all, "Ohio State is simply the best at everything."
I can't wait to point out that they just lost by 31 points in baseball. I am pretty sure that is about as crappy as you can get in the world of sports. No one allows 37 points to be scored in a baseball game. The fact that they were somehow able to score 6 points should have been enough to win the game. In baseball, 6 points should at least mean that the game is close. 37-6? That is bad.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Everything I touch lately breaks. Every time I solve one problem 3 more pop up. It is never ending! I am up at 1am because my hard drive went out, it's Saturday, we have church in the morning, I was able to buy another hard drive but I've had to reinstall windows, microsoft office, media shout, download 3 different video files, 81 total updates, and now I am waiting for Media Shout's Media Files to properly upload. It sucks.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Many of you have seen the "before" pictures of our house because Pam posted them. HERE is a link that will take you to a blog that has some of these pictures. If you don't have a secret super cool person extra special VIP password to her site you can't see the pics. Sorry, that is how she roles. Anyway, I thought I would post some after pictures.

Our Living Room

Our Kitchen

Our Bedroom

Our Dining Room

Our Basement

Our Staircase

The little basement room we didn't know what to do with

Back Patio

All in all it was a pretty productive week. It really is amazing what a week's time and some hard work will get you. We call this sweat equity. Anyway, we can't wait to have you all over to enjoy our new house.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Joan Rivers

I just have to say one thing. Joan Rivers is one of the most immature old ladies that I have ever witnessed. I can not comprehend Gabriel acting like her. Wonder what I'm talking about? Check out this weeks Celebrity Apprentice. You can watch it online at if you want. You will be simply astounded.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 6

I just finished my 6th run of the week. Something seemed rather poetic about today's run. I've been trying to run first thing every morning. It is nice because it sets the tone for the whole day, and I don't have to think about it and dread it all day long. I just get it done.

Yesterday Pam and I put an offer on a house which was then counter-offered within hours. We are dealing with a large amount of money here, obviously. We have been talking about what to do and we decided that we would sleep on it and make a decision today. Well...I pretty much didn't sleep very well. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and just stared at the ceiling thinking about how to approach things. So at 6:00 I realized that I could think about it WHILE I ran. So I did.

Today's run was longer, harder, and more grueling than the others because the training is designed for Saturday's run to be hard and Sunday you have the day to rest. All that being said, I honestly think that having something to pre-occupy your mind while you run (like making the biggest purchase of your life) actually makes the running...dare I say...enjoyable. It is really strange and I always secretly made fun of people that would say such things, but, I really almost enjoyed today's run. There is something to say about battling the bigger things in life to the rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement. It is you vs. the world out there and your feet are the drums of war (I told you it was poetic). Anyway, pair the running and the thinking up with the soundtracks to Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, and World of Warcraft on the ol' iPod and you have quite the epic thing going on.

Today I liked it.

My feet hurt
My legs hurt
My lungs hurt
My body hurts

I feel really good though.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 3 (Summer of Hell)

So I've declared this the "Summer of Hell". No it isn't summer, yet, but it will be. Here is an explanation. A couple weeks ago I received an invite via e-mail from a wonderful woman at church that wanted to announce a sort of justice project that would appeal to the North Scott crowd. I am often the guy people go through to find out if they can make an announcement at church. More often than not, you can't. That is the unwritten rule (we try to keep announcements out of the worship service as much as possible so that we don't have 1/2 hour of announcements each week. With everything going on, we could EASILY spend that much time). Then I was asked if I would sign up for it (I realize you don't know what it is yet). I thought that it would be good for me to do it and that it would yield many life-changing benefits ya de da. The following is the proposal that I received and the commitment I made.

A group of first time and experienced runners will join together to train for and run the Chicago Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon. Team members will not only be running the half marathon, but raising money for World Vision. The event is scheduled for August 2nd. World Vision is the world’s largest Christian humanitarian relief and development organization. They are working in nearly 100 countries to tackle the root causes of poverty through long term development projects that focus on things like: Clean Water, Agricultural Development, Health Care and Immunizations, Education and Literacy and Economic Development.

Before you start rolling your eyes and chuckling under your breath I want to tell you that I am serious and if you wouldn't mind, I could REALLY use your encouragement.

So I am training for a half marathon. approx: 13 miles. I watch biggest loser and I believe it can be done. Also, people at North Ridge must be looking for ways to help because there were about 25 people that signed up. That is roughly 1 out of every 6 people in the congregation.

It is only day 3 though and this is how I feel: "#&^@ $*%& #*&$"

The biggest part of me doing this (as selfish as it is) is so my children and wife have a healthy, not to mention sexy husband and dad. I know there are people that need water and it is a blessing to be able to do this "for" them, but as far as I am concerned, I need to find other "justice" oriented projects because this one is for me and my family.

If you came into my house right now you would see note cards on every door, our radio in the car, and my laptop that say things like, "Stop the Pop" "Pop is BAD for you!" "Pop will kill you" "Pop is the DEVIL" "Pop is like sin, pleasing on the outside, but it eats you up inside". Why are there note cards everywhere? Trust me, it isn't because I want to quit drinking pop. It is because I so HATE running that I get home and don't want to do ANYTHING that will ruin my work. No kidding, I HATE running with a passion. It hurts and at least 2 times in the last 3 days I've contemplated "accidentally" tripping in front of a moving vehicle so as to escape the pain. My legs are numb, my lungs are in pain, and my body hurts. It sucks. When I got home from running today, Pam was eating some cookie dough that we made pre-training. I didn't tell her this, but I was kind of pissed. Not because she was eating cookie dough, but because I don't even want it in my house. I want nothing to do with anything that will ruin what I just worked so hard to do. It sucks.

On the other hand, though it has only been three days, I feel better. I'm in a lot of pain, but it is weird. It is a sort of outside pain. I don't feel sluggish and gross anymore. Not that I am feeling super healthy yet. I think I'll feel healthy when I get to the point that I can go more than 1/2 mile before I feel like hitting the pavement, rolling up into a little ball, and crying until I die.

So this is my unofficial "Summer of Hell" journal. By the way, I get another child here in a few weeks, and there is nothing hell about that. "Summer of Hell" refers only to my quest to become healthy and in a shape other than round. Speaking of quests, I recently downloaded some huge epic type music to have on my ipod so that when I run I can feel like I am running to save the world! Maybe I am.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Our Prez

I just want to point out a funny thing about our prez. He stated again the other day that it is his goal to see the world free of nuclear weapons. Isn't that funny? I want to ride a unicorn and slide down a rainbow. I'm sorry, but after following the dealings with these mid-eastern nations I've noticed that they are like dealing with children. Not just any children either. The children who are absolutely Satan and backed up by their drunken mom. The whole world can get rid of their nuclear weapons and I guarantee that some leader from the middle east is going to get pooped on by a bird one day and get pissed and start launching bombs that we didn't know they had because everyone "said" they didn't have any. Oh, and we won't have any to launch back. Our prez...tsk tsk for living in la la land. Time to wake up and smell the uranium.


Last week Iowa made gay marriage legal. If you haven't yet heard about this, wake up. Before I get too far in this blog I want to say that I don't really care too much about the whole gay marriage thing. Christians everywhere argue that the Bible says no to being gay (and it does) and therefore the state shouldn't allow gay marriage. The other argument is that gay marriage is bad for family. Those arguments to me are lame. VERY lame. The state should allow anyone to get married including brothers and sisters, my neighbor to his dog, whoever wants to get married should be able to according to the state. In my opinion the state should have no say in who can and can't get married. My beef is this. There are actually pastors that will marry gay people. You see, we all go to churches that have accepted divorce as a very common thing. We don't talk about it. We don't tell people that it is wrong. When people DO get divorced we don't ridicule them if they want to remarry. Technically, the Bible states that being married after a separation except for certain circumstances, is living a lifestyle of sin.
My argument is this. If the church does its job in holding marriage up as an institution between God and 1 man and 1 wife then we wouldn't have to worry about anything. Gay marriage could be technically legal and yet no gay couple could ever get married. While we speak of it. If the church REALLY was doing its job, no two non-christians could ever get married either. Why? Because again, marriage is a covenant between God and 1 man and 1 woman. In America everyone gets married. My brother Jake had a great post on how the church treats single people like lesser people. Look it up, he is right on the money. I have always just assumed that if people are married then Pam and I have that in common with them. But not necessarily so. If two people are married and both people don't accept and follow Christ. To me, they are something other than married. Maybe they are together by contract or something. Anyway, if we want to get pissed about legal gay marriage in Iowa then I suggest we get pissed about a lot of other false beliefs that we have about the Holy covenant of marriage. The truth of marriage and family has been cheapened by the church, not the state. Do your job pastors and refuse to marry non-christians, gays, and whoever else chooses to not pursue a Christ-like lifestyle, and it won't be a problem.

That is my rant for the day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Catching Up

I was calculating in my head how many hours I've been in the office or working since Tuesday morning vs. How many I've been home. I am doing this NOT because I am burned out or feel I've been working too much. I LOVE my job and would do it for nothing if I could still feed, clothe, and shelter, my family. I am doing this because I sincerely miss my wife and son. If it keeps up like this, I am afraid Pam's gonna start wondering whether I love her anymore. I also want to point out that I fully realize that there are a lot of people that work longer, physically harder, and get paid less. I guess I want EVERYONE to know that I am in no way complaining. That being said, this is the story of my last two days.

I arrived at the office at 6:30am on Tuesday took an hour for lunch with Pam, Gabriel, and Nancy, then an hour giving blood (not at home with Pam and Gabriel, but not work either), then a half hour for supper. I got home at 9:30pm Tuesday night. I worked a grand total of 12.5 hours and was with Pam and Gabriel for 1.5 and was home for .5.

I was home from 9:30pm to 9:00am we went to bed as usual at 10:30pm. That takes our totals to work 12.5 hours and home 12 hours. Awake at home (having woken up at 7:30 because I slept in) 3 hours. Seeing Gabriel awake at home (him not waking up until 8 all week) to 1.5 hours. Then I didn't actually start work until 10:30 because Pam and Gabriel and I went for a walk in Davenport and stopped at Menard's to look for some stuff. Now total time at home is 12 hours, total time with family is 15 hours, total awake time with Pam is 4.5 hours, total awake time with Gabriel is 3 hours. I got to the office at 10:30 took .5 for lunch and didn't come home again until 8:30 this morning because some of the youth, who are on spring break, stayed at the office overnight to watch movies and play video games, and eat pizza. Total work time now is 34.5 hours. I got home and showered and went back to work (this time escaping to Mojo's) I was home for 1 hour. Now I've been working for .75 hours and
.25 hours writing this. Our Grand Totals are as follows:

Work = 35 hours 15 minutes
Home = Home 13.5 hours
Awake at Home = 5.5 hours
Awake at Home with both Pam and Gabriel awake with me = 4.5 hours

A couple of points:

*I may have the only job in the world where eating pizza, watching movies, and playing games can be called work.

*Counting Sunday's 6-7 hours and the hours I do today, tomorrow, and Saturday I'll have worked a relatively normal amount of hours for a person.

*I love my job

A couple of more important points that I want to reiterate:

*I miss my three family members a lot. If you miss a day of Gabriel's life at this point, it seems you are missing BIG things. I also wasn't woken up last night by my up and coming child kicking me through my wife's belly (that doesn't mean I wasn't woken up by someone else's child kicking me). I also miss my wife and just hearing her tell me about what's going on. Apparently she is meeting some people from her "Care of Candidates" committee to talk about not being a "Divinity" student anymore or something like that. "Care of Candidates" is in "" because it's been 3 years + some and they haven't really seemed to "Care" at all until Pam decided to change direction. Ask any one of them and I'll bet you that they wouldn't have a clue as to what mine or Gabriel's names are without having to look it up. Anyway, that is a whole different blog.

*I am not upset about the way things have been this week at all. I just like to inform people that the leaders of the church sometimes work on days other than Sunday.

*I know that Doug has had many weeks busier than this. I definitely don't want people to think that this is a typical worship/youth pastor way of being. Doug does 10 times the array of stuff that I do.

*Did anyone notice that my blog look is different. I made it up completely on my own. Yeah. That's right. I should start my own site called

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


This is a blog that is long overdue. Three weeks ago Pam and I purchased a brand new, fat bottle of toothpaste. We use the tubes that you squeeze and roll up because I think they're cheaper. Anyway, we are still using the old toothpaste. Every night I have to seriously squeeze in just the right places to get just a tiny bit of toothpaste out onto my brush. I have had to start squeezing so hard that my knuckles turn white, then purple, then a gross gray color that makes me think that I may lose my finger.

Some might say, "Joel, why don't you just change the old to new?" I consider this Pam's call. She is in charge of the books and has this thing for the challenge of trying to make toothpaste tubes thinner than paper. I even saw her using a rolling pin the other night on it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

It Only Takes a Spark

So I got a rather odd song request this week after church. I was asked if we could sing "It Only Takes a Spark". They said that the song is their favorite and they would really love it if we could play it at church. Typically I would laugh and think "NO WAY AM I PLAYING THAT SONG". But more and more lately, God is revealing to me that my opinion on song selection is obviously not shared by everyone. In fact, I am realizing that there are very few people that REALLY appreciate the things in music that I do. Now, I don't think that my appreciations for things in music are any better than anyone Else's what-so-ever. I do think that they tend to be vastly different. That being the case, and my strong convictions that style of music matters zero to how a church should function in worship, I am considering doing a special music with this song. NOT for that person of course, but for all who think that Chris Tomlin and Paul Baloche are the very people God sent to this earth to teach us what TRUE worship is. I am putting a poll on the side of my blog. I would like your votes. I will put a number of songs, each with somewhat different styles, and you pick the ones that you would prefer in church. Your opinion will matter as much as mine, which is not much, but it will be fun in any case. Thanks.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finally I wrote a Song from the Bottom of My Heart

I Wish I were a Pirate
A song to be recorded in the near future
Words and Music by Joel Rohde
(Song will be posted as soon as it is recorded)

Verse 1:
I wish I were a pirate
What a wonderful life it must be
Paces we measure
For buried treasure
While sailin' the seven seas

Verse 2:
I wish I were a pirate
My sword I'd swing with glee
I'd swab the poop
While collectin' doubloons
And goose my fellow mateys

Arrrrgh Arrrrgh Arrrrgh
Yo Ho Ho
If I could be anything
A buccaneer, a swashbuckler, a sea rover,
a marauder, a raider, a rover, a free-booter,
a privateer...
A Pirate I would be

Verse 3:
I wish I were a pirate
I could swim all day in rum
No showers for me
I'm a pirate you see
Not a clean freak, sophisticate bum

Arrrrgh would be my word
A parrot would be me bird
On my shoulder he'd sit in the sun
I'd kill things just for fun

Thursday, February 26, 2009


A couple of nights ago our savior president delivered a speech to congress. This included a lot more promises and spurred a lot of standing up and clapping by the puppets in congress. As of Feb. 23rd President Obama's approval rating was 62.5%. I suppose this is okay. I would fall into the 37.5% that apparently don't approve, but who am I? This being my blog, however, I am going to rant a little on my views of Mr. Obama's plans.

I realize that the economy is in shambles or whatever. People are losing jobs, houses are being foreclosed, etc... but I am not understanding the logic behind a few proposals. Anyone in this country that is making $249,000 or more per year in America is now going to be taxed upwards of 40% so that we can afford the stimulus which spreads that money around to a HUGE slew of government run institutions that are supposed to help you and me.

In other words, President Robin Hood is going to take from the "rich" (anyone making more than $249,000) and give to the "poor" (anyone making less than $249,000).

I have no objections to the argument that people with that amount of money don't need to live in giant houses and have 13 cars and make fun of Denny's. But how about the Christian guy who started out making $19,000 selling home made rocking chairs? His business has grown to be a multimillion dollar empire making wood furniture of all shapes and sizes. Now he rolls in $400,000 a year and gives $320,000 to various Christian organizations that help starving children, rape victims, and defeating the illegal slave trade? Suddenly, they have to almost stop giving to some of those things all together let alone cut significantly the financing to the organizations he can still help. I do think that person deserves the modest 4 bedroom house that he and his 3 children live in off the $80,000 he actually keeps in a year.

Apparently 62.5% of Americans think that President Obama can spend their money much more wisely than they can. It's sad. It's socialism to its very core.

Then there is the guy who isn't generous, who is greedy, money hungry, and selfish. He makes $400,000 a year and owns a large corporation that sells it's products to small businesses. He doesn't want to lose his $800,000 dollar house, his 3 cars, or his status at the nicest eating establishments, or his ability to go on vacation whenever he pleases. To compensate for his tax increase he simply raises his prices. The small business owners who are scraping by paycheck to paycheck with hopes that their business will grow just enough to buy a house, get a van for their growing family, and pay off their student loans, now have to make a decision. They've never dreamed of being rich but if they did, they would probably look a lot more like the first guy. They either have to swallow the hit and lose prophet margin, or raise their prices. The problem is, they have already established a reputation in being a cheap family business that is family and community oriented. "There isn't a treat this cheap anywhere" is the common thing heard around their business. Do they raise their prices and risk losing the rep? Or do they just have to sell more to make up the difference?

Apparently 62.5% of people have elected a president that thinks he should be able to make the decisions like that for we the people. He has yet to keep any promise he has made, what makes us think that his new promises delivered on Tuesday night will be any different. Yet the majority of people actually think that he is still cool. WOW. We are shallow.