Friday, June 27, 2008

Pam 43001X

What is there to write? She is so cool. She is like a tropical sno on a hot day. She refreshes me, makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes my mouth water, makes me have to pee! She is as beautiful as rainbow, but tastes like melonberry. Sometimes she asks me to carry her jugs from the car to the building. No guy could ever be so lucky. EVER! She can do more cool things than my Palm Centro 43000X. She can stay up till the wee hours of the morning with me. What? It's 1:30am and she's going to bed. WAIT HONEY! I'M COMING TOO!!!!

Sharing Toast Sticks

I'm really excited. This coming week, my brother and his wife will be arriving for a visit. Jake and Elizabeth live in Denver and we haven't seen them since January. I miss Jake and think often on how good it would be for me to hear him laugh again. Jake is one who has always brought joy into the lives of people around him. Not only that, but when you do manage to get him mad, he is easy to reconcile with because he laughs at anything that contains a sliver of humor. What? Jake is mad? Tell him that you hit the chicken crossing the road. BOOOM! Jake's not mad anymore. Instead, he is laughing and shaking his head and saying..."I hate you Joel" which means, "I wish I could be mad at you, but you are just so freaking funny I can't help but laugh!" Anyway, I can't wait to see him again. I also look forward to seeing Elizabeth. She likes baseball, and that is cool.

In other news, Gabriel shares things. For example, he decided today that he was going to share his toast stick with Pam. How nice.

In still more news, Pam is super mom. She manages to run a business, mother a child, and clean the apartment. I couldn't survive without her.

In even more news, I got a new phone. It is the Palm Centro. It is so cool, I've renamed it the Palm Centro 43000X. I did this for two reasons. Cool things have super big numbers and the letter X involved in their names. The second reason is because there are at least 43000 cool things that the phone can do. For instance, since working at North Ridge Community Church I've been forced to get somewhat organized. I keep a Google calendar updated with various appointments and deadlines. This phone allows me to sync my calendar directly to my phone, complete with alarms to remind me of important things. Also, it has a touch screen, which is so now. It is an MP3 player, an electronic Sudoku game, an alarm clock, a Bible (yes I have palm software with the NIV, KJV, and NLT on it), a Microsoft Power Point, Excel, and Word program, camera, video recorder, voice memo recorder, navigator, address book, text messenger, and...oh, a phone. This phone does a whole slew of things too that I don't know anything about. I did learn that if someone with another palm wants something that is on my phone we can "beam" the info to each other by setting our phones next to each other and telling it what to beam. It is so treky. This is useful because when my boss, Doug, saw my phone he decided he was going to trade his and get and Palm Centro 543223049X (bigger number because he definitely wouldn't go for a 43000X if you knew Doug you'd understand). Anyway, I can't wait to "beam" things to him. It will be fun.

I feel the need to wrap this up with a typical wrapping up sentence. So here goes...
"That's all folks"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1 Timothy

okay, so I am failing so far at posting. I just had a great accountability time with my pal. We are reading through First Timothy. If you ever want to read something that will kick your butt give it a shot. There is a lot of responsibility in being a leader of Christ's Church, and I need Jesus a lot, but I am so thankful for His grace. He has chosen me! In fact, he thinks I am worthy for some reason. Praise be to God and His storehouses of grace. He has chosen each of us for a purpose. Are you fulfilling His call? Are you listening. Do you know what he has given you the honor of doing for Him?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bad Blogger

I'm going to try to be a better blogger. I read my wife's blog, my brother's blog, my former worship leader's wife's blog...with them as my models I am promising to blog more. So to all of you who currently read this blog, never fear. I am blogging again and often. Thanks a lot for your loyalty.

Monday, June 16, 2008

One of my favorite parts of my job is creating graphics for our message series. The upcoming one is my favorite as far as graphics go. It is the symbol for eternal life (the ring wrapped around the trinity) with some whispy breathlike thingys. Behind it are the words Love, Humility, Kindness, and Gentleness. The series is titled pneumabiotics (pneuma=spirit, biotics=life).