Monday, August 30, 2010


My Shelves are done.  I did them all by myself with the help of Gabriel.  Let me clarify because I think he's funny.  He chatted my ear off while he watched.  Then I asked him to hand me the hammer and he did.  A couple minutes later I asked him to hand me the drill, but it was too heavy.  Then he heard Heather Link upstairs dropping off Jacob and he said, "Someone is here!  You can do it by yourself daddy, you are a big guy."  So I had help from Gabriel for 25 minutes.  Periodically he would check in on my and give me some encouragement.  It was nice.

Anyway, they are done.  Finally.  They are nothing special, but they took about 5 hours to do.

BTW.  The design is from George Andringa.  To make sure they would be stable, I climbed up top.  It held firm.  I will now attempt making a really nice set of Corn Hole.  No one reads this blog, but if someone is out there that cares, I am going to pose a question.  Follow up with your answer.  If I like it, I'll go with it.

Q: What theme should Joel use to paint his corn hole set.

I have considered North Scott Lancers since inevitably I will use it at youth events.
I've considered SF Giants because I like the Giants.
I've considered Minnesota Vikings because they are awesome and the colors are bright.
I've considered trying to create and print off stencils of Gabriel and Micah on AI (Adobe Illustrator) and using them to do a family theme. NOTE:  This could prove a complete fail so it's not high on my list even though it would be awesome if it turned out okay.
I've also thought about doing something real abstract.

I'm really up for any suggestion.  Please don't wait for others to respond.  Just let me know what you think.  If no one responds, I'll be bummed.  

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Sense of Humor

I am SO thankful that God has given my kids a sense of humor.
This is the front of the shirt I am wearing today.

Gabriel turns to me today and says very matter of factly, "Daddy, you were walking at the zoo and a gorilla was walking at the zoo and he ran into you."

Then he said, "and a baby gorilla ran into your sleeve."

I said, "really?"

"NO!" he said using an inflection that meant, "duh you idiot."
Then we both laughed REALLY hard.

Some people just have it. Some people don't. Some people act like the only way you can be taken seriously as a leader in God's Kingdom is serious. As if we really have all this control in what happens all the time. Sometimes these same people fail to see that there is humor and fun built into God's creation. Including each and ever person he created. Including, even their boring own self. There are people that I've never even heard really laugh. Sure they will smile at a joke and sort of chortle out of politeness, but I've never seen them throw their head back and really laugh. What kind of Kingdom are we helping God build here? If you can't take the world as being utterly hilarious, you probably aren't contributing very much to helping rebuild "Eden" here on earth.  I refuse to believe that humor is a result of the fall.  I just don't think that is biblical.  Dude.  The Bible is hilarious.  Kids getting eaten by bears for calling an old dude baldy, a guy playing James Bond and killing a fat guy while he did number 2, Sampson killing an army using the jawbone of an ass, for that matter, a talking ass, etc...

The best moments as a parent are when you are sitting next to your child laughing. I imagine God is silly with us. I imagine God wants to laugh with us. If it is possible to see a glimpse of who God is by studying the world and the people he has created, He is undoubtedly one helluva funny guy. I don't need to be serious all the time. I would argue that you can be 100% honest and hard working and still only really be serious a very small percentage of the time. What about you? What is your favorite funny Bible event?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pam's Birthday

So Excited
Big Plans
Surprise Party/Dinner
Micah Bumps Head
Pam Takes Micah For Stitches
Joel Cancels Reservations
Calls Friends Breaks The News
George and Helen Stop By
Drop Off Card
Doug and Nancy Stop By
Drop Off Gift
New Plans Made
Micah Stitched And Okay
Texas Road House
Doug and Nancy Too
Happy Birthday My Bride!