Monday, December 20, 2010

What Are the Odds?

So I stumbled on this today.  Sometimes in moments of weakness and discontent I dream about winning the Lottery.  I list off the things I would do like rescue everyone on both sides of the family from debt, moving them to Park View, and buying my dad and John Lang  the biggest TVs I could find complete with NFL Sunday Ticket.  Well, sometimes it takes a visual to put things into perspective (or feel like crap).  Check out THIS link and then come back and share your thoughts.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Worth Laughing At

The following was almost sent only to Holly, but then I realized that the select handful that reads my blog, Holly being one of them, would also probably get a kick out of this.

George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening? 

Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China. 

George: Great. Lay it on me. 

Condi: Hu is the new leader of China. 

George: That's what I want to know. 

Condi: That's what I'm telling you. 

George: That's what I'm asking you. Who is the new leader of China? 

Condi: Yes. 

George: I mean the fellow's name. 

Condi: Hu. 

George: The guy in China. 

Condi: Hu. 

George: The new leader of China. 

Condi: Hu. 

George: The Chinaman! 

Condi: Hu is leading China. 

George: Now whaddya' asking me for? 

Condi: I'm telling you Hu is leading China. 

George: Well, I'm asking you. Who is leading China? 

Condi: That's the man's name. 

George: That's who's name? 

Condi: Yes. 

George: Will you or will you not tell me the name of the new leader of China? 

Condi: Yes, sir. 

George: Yassir? Yassir Arafat is in China? I thought he was in the Middle East. 

Condi: That's correct. 

George: Then who is in China? 

Condi: Yes, sir. 

George: Yassir is in China? 

Condi: No, sir. 

George: Then who is? 

Condi: Yes, sir. 

George: Yassir? 

Condi: No, sir. 

George: Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. 
Get me the Secretary General of the U.N. on the phone. 

Condi: Kofi? 

George: No, thanks. 

Condi: You want Kofi? 

George: No. 

Condi: You don't want Kofi. 

George: No. But now that you mention it, I could use a glass of milk. And then get me the U.N. 

Condi: Yes, sir. 

George: Not Yassir! The guy at the U.N. 

Condi: Kofi? 

George: Milk! Will you please make the call? 

Condi: And call who? 

George: Who is the guy at the U.N? 

Condi: Hu is the guy in China. 

George: Will you stay out of China?! 

Condi: Yes, sir. 

George: And stay out of the Middle East! Just get me the guy at the U.N. 

Condi: Kofi. 

George: All right! With cream and two sugars. Now get on the phone. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Fast and the Awesomest!

So copy the following paragraph of this blog starting at the next paragraph.  Click the following link and paste this blog in the box, then hit the "spreed" button.  If there isn't a box you can paste in and only a video player, click the "new" link on the bottom and then paste it.  The link is HERE.

What you are experiencing now is speed reading.  I've always wanted to read this fast.  I tested this out on an e-mail that Holly Lang sent me about a baseball umpire who sucked.  If it is the same speed as what I was reading you are doing about 300 words a minute.  That means that you could read "Gone With the Wind" in its entirety in just under one day.  About 23 hours 54 minutes.  Which leads me to my next question.  If it takes that long to read it at 300 words per minute, how many hours were spent on my couch this summer between two women who read it?  Pam and Emily, I'm talking about you.  Anyway, if you didn't know about this tool before, be glad that you do now.  Emily, think about it, spark notes just got even shorter!  I hope you all enjoy it as much as I anticipate I will.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stumbling Around

So in a roundabout way my sister-in-law Emily got me hooked on the stumble button. In short, it is a button next to my address bar that, when pressed, takes me to a web-site at random that it thinks I will get a kick out of. You can go HERE to add it to your Internet surfing repertoire.

So I gather it works like this. You get the button, fill out a 30 second form where you check all the boxes of categories that interest you. Then click.

In the past few days I've been introduced to some of the most amazing web-sites ever. BUT the coolest thing happened tonight.

I have a student in piano that I've been trying to teach scales, key signatures, major and minor triads, and other basic entry level theory stuff. I've been frustrated because he is pretty intelligent in a lot of areas, but isn't grasping this stuff SUPER easy. It makes me feel like a horribly bad teacher (which I am). ANYWAY, I was writing out a series of diagrams this afternoon for him to take home and study. Then, tonight, I got home from life group, Pam and I put the kids to bed, I checked e-mail, then I clicked the button.

THIS is what I came upon. It is the diagram that I was drawing out, but interactive. Anyone can play around with this baby and learn piano. AWESOME. Thank you stumble upon.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Video Sneak Peek

This is a video I made with some of our youth for church tomorrow.  It was super fun.  You all get it before it even airs.

It is a parable about comfort and having to decide if we want to take the risk and put faith in God trusting that His promises are greater than what we currently are settling for.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The World Series

I am very much hoping to see a SF Giants vs. Texas Rangers world series this year.  I am one game away from seeing it happen.  I would absolutely be the very best friend of the person willing to buy THIS for me.  PLEASE!  I have always wanted an authentic Giants jersey.  THIS would be SO awesome.  I'll post a picture but you have to go to the site to get the full effect.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

With love...

Before reading, please read THIS.  My blog is a response.

One thing I appreciate about Park View is that the young women here know the importance of staying fit. ...and are smart enough to shed as much clothing as possible when they are feeling overheated on their runs. I am, at times, offended by the immodesty of their sweaty glistening abs, but I push away those objections when I consider the importance of their health. So, to all the Park View ladies, I say keep running. And to prevent yourself from getting some type of heat exhaustion, please remove as much clothing as necessary. Putting yourself at a health risk is just not worth it.

Come that appropriate?  Really?

I love you though.

Monday, August 30, 2010


My Shelves are done.  I did them all by myself with the help of Gabriel.  Let me clarify because I think he's funny.  He chatted my ear off while he watched.  Then I asked him to hand me the hammer and he did.  A couple minutes later I asked him to hand me the drill, but it was too heavy.  Then he heard Heather Link upstairs dropping off Jacob and he said, "Someone is here!  You can do it by yourself daddy, you are a big guy."  So I had help from Gabriel for 25 minutes.  Periodically he would check in on my and give me some encouragement.  It was nice.

Anyway, they are done.  Finally.  They are nothing special, but they took about 5 hours to do.

BTW.  The design is from George Andringa.  To make sure they would be stable, I climbed up top.  It held firm.  I will now attempt making a really nice set of Corn Hole.  No one reads this blog, but if someone is out there that cares, I am going to pose a question.  Follow up with your answer.  If I like it, I'll go with it.

Q: What theme should Joel use to paint his corn hole set.

I have considered North Scott Lancers since inevitably I will use it at youth events.
I've considered SF Giants because I like the Giants.
I've considered Minnesota Vikings because they are awesome and the colors are bright.
I've considered trying to create and print off stencils of Gabriel and Micah on AI (Adobe Illustrator) and using them to do a family theme. NOTE:  This could prove a complete fail so it's not high on my list even though it would be awesome if it turned out okay.
I've also thought about doing something real abstract.

I'm really up for any suggestion.  Please don't wait for others to respond.  Just let me know what you think.  If no one responds, I'll be bummed.  

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Sense of Humor

I am SO thankful that God has given my kids a sense of humor.
This is the front of the shirt I am wearing today.

Gabriel turns to me today and says very matter of factly, "Daddy, you were walking at the zoo and a gorilla was walking at the zoo and he ran into you."

Then he said, "and a baby gorilla ran into your sleeve."

I said, "really?"

"NO!" he said using an inflection that meant, "duh you idiot."
Then we both laughed REALLY hard.

Some people just have it. Some people don't. Some people act like the only way you can be taken seriously as a leader in God's Kingdom is serious. As if we really have all this control in what happens all the time. Sometimes these same people fail to see that there is humor and fun built into God's creation. Including each and ever person he created. Including, even their boring own self. There are people that I've never even heard really laugh. Sure they will smile at a joke and sort of chortle out of politeness, but I've never seen them throw their head back and really laugh. What kind of Kingdom are we helping God build here? If you can't take the world as being utterly hilarious, you probably aren't contributing very much to helping rebuild "Eden" here on earth.  I refuse to believe that humor is a result of the fall.  I just don't think that is biblical.  Dude.  The Bible is hilarious.  Kids getting eaten by bears for calling an old dude baldy, a guy playing James Bond and killing a fat guy while he did number 2, Sampson killing an army using the jawbone of an ass, for that matter, a talking ass, etc...

The best moments as a parent are when you are sitting next to your child laughing. I imagine God is silly with us. I imagine God wants to laugh with us. If it is possible to see a glimpse of who God is by studying the world and the people he has created, He is undoubtedly one helluva funny guy. I don't need to be serious all the time. I would argue that you can be 100% honest and hard working and still only really be serious a very small percentage of the time. What about you? What is your favorite funny Bible event?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pam's Birthday

So Excited
Big Plans
Surprise Party/Dinner
Micah Bumps Head
Pam Takes Micah For Stitches
Joel Cancels Reservations
Calls Friends Breaks The News
George and Helen Stop By
Drop Off Card
Doug and Nancy Stop By
Drop Off Gift
New Plans Made
Micah Stitched And Okay
Texas Road House
Doug and Nancy Too
Happy Birthday My Bride!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fo Rizzle

Scary...what's going to happen?  (Imagine suspenseful music)

Just to clear a few things up:  Yes it is real.  No this wasn't anywhere close to sporadic.  It is the trinity symbol with shading to give it emotion.  Yes it hurt.  No I didn't cry.

The morning after.
I'm can't tell
Who knew...I have a mole.  Nice of the artist to put it in the middle of the design.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Long Day

Days that end with 3 hour meetings are long.  Days watching four kids are super long for Pam.  When I got home she was already in bed.  That never happens.  Makes me bummed, but I understand.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Long time since I've blogged here.

Last night I was taken out on the town with a most beautiful lady.  She took me to Woodfire Grill and we sat outside.  Then we walked along the river hand and hand and even practiced a small amount of PDA.  THEN we went mini-golfing and practiced just a little more PDA (we figure we've earned the right to PDA since we are married with children).  THEN we topped off our date with delicious Tropical Sno, picked up the empty jugs, the money, and went home.  IT WAS AMAZING!  Pam wore a dress and I wore...ummm...a nice shirt (I don't know why she likes me).  IT WAS AMAZING! (did I already say that?)  It was SO nice out and we were downtown.  I would say it was probably among the nicest dates in the history of all dating.  Sounds like an overstatement?  Consider this:  Since Gabriel was born I think I can count the number of times Pam and I have gone out for ourselves on one hand.  You really start to appreciate little tiny things.  For instance, we remembered what it was like to be able to get in and out of the car without having to buckle and unbuckle kids.  We walked along the river at our own pace and not the pace of a racing two year old pushing an empty stroller.  We wore nice clothes without running the risk of grubby hands ruining them.  We went mini-golfing without having to stop Gabriel from clocking his brother with the club or keep Micah from bathing in the overly dyed fountains, streams, and ponds.  We ordered food and only had to share with each other.  The waitress didn't look at us with disdain because our kid had more food on the floor underneath him than had gone in his mouth.  We stayed out past 8:30 pm.  We didn't have to pack strollers or carry children.  We didn't have to stop Emily and Gabriel from fighting in the back'd that get in there?

Anyway, I LOVE family dates with everyone, but I will not turn down a chance to have my wife all to myself every once in awhile. That just doesn't happen enough.

I'd like to thank all those that made this night possible.  Pam for clearing the schedule, planning the night out and just being Pam.  It was all a surprise for me btw.  I had no idea what we were going to do before hand.  Thanks also to Emily for staying home, watching the kids, feeding them, bathing them, and putting them to bed, then cleaning the kitchen and the living room. That was a big job.  She also made coconut cookies and, I have to was odd that while we were on our way home, Pam suddenly blurted out, "Emily made coconut cookies!  YUM!" Anyway...thanks.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Gift

Pam got me a GPS for dad's day.  It is cool.  I am able to connect to the internet and download all sorts of personalizations.  Right now the Mario Kart selection screen comes up when you turn the power on.  Then our car's icon is the Mario in his cart as if you were playing the game.  I LOVE it.  Thought you all should know.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Facebook Story

So a friend of mine posted this on facebook today.

Upon reaching the family reunion today my wife jumps out in the pouring rain, runs up to the shelter and yells loudly "who in the heck picked today to have this?". After 30 seconds of weird looks she realized she didn't know anybody and hopped back in the car...."this isn't the reunion," she said. LOL...I love that goofy girl!

THAT is a story worth sharing.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Story Time

     Gabriel is really into true stories of his mommy and daddies past. He is enthralled by stories of mom and dad when they were younger. Anyway, the other night after Pam had put Gabriel to bed she came out and said, "He wants you to go in and say good-night."
     This is a normal thing. So I went in and said good night, gave him a hug and kiss, and he asked if I would tell him a story. I said no because mommy already had.
     As I started to leave he said, "Okay daddy, I will tell YOU a story."
     Of course, I wasn't going to miss that for anything. I went to his bed and laid down next to him and he began.
"Once upon a time, when I was young," he poked me in the nose, "I named you daddy."
     It was the best story I've ever heard.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My New Favorite

I've never been a huge candy bar fan.  They are nice every once in awhile, but I usually don't pick them.  In fact, 9 times out of 10 if you gave me a choice between chips or a candy bar I would take the chips.  All that changed today when I was able to sample this
I LOVE this candy bar.  SOOOOO good.  mmmmmmmm.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pretty Incredible

So I had the opportunity to take my family to lunch today to a new restaurant in town.  It is called the Incredible Pizza Company.  It is an eatery sort of like the pizza place on Toy Story.  What it really is, however, is a strong Christian organization with outstanding integrity and a hunger to serve their community.  AND pastor's get 50% off their families orders. 

Anyway, they have a HUGE game room complete with 100 arcade type games.  The coolest part of the games, however are the mini-bowling, glo-mini-golf, Lazar tag, and bumper cars.  See, they do more than pizza.  They have a whole buffet that is the size of an Old Country Buffet but more fun.  They serve everything from salad to chili dogs.  They have a whole bunch of theme rooms that fit in with the over arching theme of Route 66.  One of the rooms that you can eat in are The Starlight Drive In where you are seated in what feels like an outdoor theater and you watch old classic movies.  Another room that you can eat in is The Davenport High School Gym which is decorated like a high school gym with home made signs that say things like Go Team or whatever.  There are basketball hoops and a scoreboard and the best part (which is why it's my favorite  room) is the TV screens.  Two smallish TVs that show ESPN and the middle screen which runs kids shows like Veggie Tales so that your kids will actually sit and eat instead of running around.    Another room that you can eat in is a replica design of the Beaver's living room except bigger of course.  They have a TV that is always showing classic shows like Leave it to Beaver and other Nick at Night type hits.

The best part is the integrity of the business.  They have a big sign right at the entrance that asks that you dress appropriately.  Your clothes can't be too baggy, you can't show any under-garments, you can't curse, you can't wear skirts that are too short, you can't wear offensive language or images or advertising on your clothes.  The sign provides them the right to refuse service to anyone they please.  They also don't sell alcohol, not because they have anything against alcohol, but because they are open fairly late and it's effects are not something children need to be exposed to in a family setting.  (I know this stuff because the manager came out and showed Doug and I around the whole place and explained everything.  He is from Eldridge and loves what North Ridge is doing but he goes to a church that he's been going to forever in downtown Davenport.)

Anyway, Doug and I were out on the town today and we ran into another pastor from Eldridge that we know and he was like, dude you have to check this place out, so we did.  They gave us pastor appreciation cards that allows us and our immediate family 50% off all purchases and a $10 game card that we can use in the game room on things like bowling and the kids merry go round and DDR.   Today when we went for lunch we paid $8 for lunch and got a game card that allowed us to play...let's see... a round of bowling for Gabriel, a ride on the merry go round for both G and Micah, some ski-ball, basketball, another ball throwing type game, two different car rides, and other stuff, and I still have about $4 on the card.  Anyway, $8 would be the cost of one buffet.  Which is the best part.  You can't really get a meal at a sit down restaurant for that anymore.  If you aren't a is still a good deal.  If you want to play games and eat you can pay $11 and get a $10 game card and the buffet.  Not bad.  It is like paying for the games and getting your meal for a buck.  If you are cheap like us, you would get one of the $11 meal/game cards and then just buffets for everyone else and you'd share the $10 game card.

They do lock-ins for youth groups :)

Anyway, I feel like a walking advertisement.  I was just pleasantly surprised that they weren't just another hyped up high school version of Chucky cheese.  I mean, Pam and I noticed this place like a week ago and were like where did THAT place come from.  It is in the old Eagle Foods building on Kimberly.  It came out of nowhere and I hope it stays.  It is apparently packed every night and especially weekends.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We're Done

So we ran the marathon and I learned a lot about the extent of what my body can do. I'm serious, had it been 1 more mile, I may not have made it. I was fully out of calories to burn and liquid to sustain me. I felt very very very tired and unable to do anything for about 1.5 hours until we made it to eat. We ate at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate and I ate until I was stuffed, and drank 2 big glasses of ice water and 3 big glasses of life sustaining Diet Coke. I haven't had to pee at all. And only 1.5 hours after and I am really hungry again. Not to mention I'm much more aware and with it. Apparently after you run a marathon you should eat and drink a lot.

Anyway, I now have a marathon medal that will hang in my mirror on my mirror in the car until Pam makes me take it down. I'll sport a 26.2 sticker in our rear window as well. Other than that I am going to try not to talk about it unless I'm asked and I am going to try to walk around church tomorrow as if nothing ever happened today (we'll see). Right now I'm walking a bit like a cross between a cowboy, and an old man. I'm sure people laugh as I go by or hold off because they think I have a condition. If you are family or REAL close friends you may have to appease me though and listen for just a little bit as I tell you about one of the coolest things I've ever done. I'm SO thankful for Pam and her gusto and SO thankful for friends and family who never once questioned and supported us in this all the way. They listened to me talk about my running probably more than they cared too. Thanks peeps. I love you all.

30 lbs Lighter and 10 Times Happier.

So I might die today.  In 1.5 hours the gun will go off and I will begin what will surely be a 5-6 hour run.  I am feeling good.  I've picked up my stuff, pinned my number to my shirt (195 that is, Pam's is 194), put the magnetic strip chip thing in my shoes, and ate one bowl of cheerios and 1 piece of toast with peanut butter.  I've still got some things to do, but I think I'm ready to go.  6 months of training for this day; for these 6 hours.  It is weird.  I feel right now like I felt before football games in high school.  I have had this feeling so few times since high school.  It is this odd mix of nerves and excitement.

Some facts:

I will one way or another, run 26.2 miles today.

I will probably lose 12 pounds of water weight during the race.

I will probably lose 1 pound of actual weight during the race.

I will probably make fun of the bands that are playing along the route.

I will likely pray a lot during the race.

I will likely talk a lot about this day for awhile and people will likely get tired of hearing about it.

I will likely try hard NOT to talk too much about it tomorrow at church for fear people will think I'm lame.

I will count on my family members to hear me out whether they really care or not.

Anyway, thanks for all your support.  It has been a fun ride and this is just the beginning.  I'm a runner now, and no matter what happens today I've already won.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Big and Strong

Tonight Gabriel asked me to cuddle with him while he tried to sleep.  He does this almost every night and it serves as a stall to actually having to go to sleep.  It is sweet of him, though, so I generally oblige and spend about 2 minutes "cuddling" with him.  Well tonight I told him that if he stayed in bed for 10 minutes I would come and cuddle him as long as he was in bed when I got there.  I went in after about 2 minutes because I wanted him to know that I wasn't joking and I would follow through with my promise.  When I slipped in next to him and gave him a hug he said in the lowest, biggest voice he could muster, "Daddy is big and strong!"  It made me happy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Pick Me Up

This just cheered me right up today. I'm tired and couldn't sleep last night. This has whisked away all my blues. I hope your day is made brighter by my cheesy post, but seriously, I can't imagine this song and video ever not accomplishing a smile on my face. Have fun.

Friday, March 19, 2010

That Picture

So the last couple of weeks we had my family over and it was a blast. We loved having them. My wife blogged all about it. She also posted pictures and one of those pictures was my mom with Micah. It was a beautiful picture with one flaw. I was randomly in the background wearing my bright yellow sweat shirt and not paying any attention. So I have saved the day and removed my self from the picture so that it can once again look good. Ladies and Gentlemen I present the better version of that picture.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am not able to sleep right now. The main reasons for this are probably because it is Tuesday which happens to be a very busy day at the Rohde house, and because I'm up instead of in bed where I might be more inclined to fall asleep. There is a lot on my mind though.

If you were to ask the average person in my circle of influence who I am I wonder what they would say.

Lately I feel like God is desperately trying to get me and these people that I am supposed to be leading into worship each Sunday to see a bigger picture. We have a nice church, we have a nice building to worship in, we have nice worship services, we get a nice message about how God wants us to live nicely, and then we go home and comfortably take a nice nap, eat a nice meal, and start the week over with our nice job. Then we start doing our best to avoid brokenness and hurt by surrounding ourselves with nice things, that look nice, that impress other nice people doing the same nice things.

We tell ourselves that we'll be happy if we do things right. And "right" becomes whatever we want as long as it's nice. Instead of reading the Bible we start reading everything else that was written using the Bible as support for our nice ideas. We begin to utterly avoid truth because truth so often starts with not nice. The honest truth so often hurts and causes pain which we avoid at all costs. Ted Dekker wrote a series of books about people who have flaky, scabby, dry skin, and they smell terrible. They think this is normal. They didn't start out that way, but as they slowly stop doing the disciplined ritual that will keep them from becoming that way, they start to believe that they are the normal ones, they are the healthy ones. They begin to avoid all the things that would heal them. They become afraid of those things. They know that if they were to bathe in the water of life that could heal them that it would really hurt. Our skin, I'm afraid, may be drying up and scabbing.

One thing that really scares me is our culture's reluctance to do ANYTHING that seems traditional, boring, or work. Spiritual disciplines are quickly becoming a thing of the past. We cover this fact up by providing mediocre ways to get your spiritual disciplines in without having to sacrifice anything. We've begun to fear sacrifice.

We have done a horrible job looking at where we've come from and sorting out all the good that came from the generations before us. Yes, the church has caused hurt, the church has never been perfect. The problem is, we've convinced ourselves that we are the ones that are right and it would be impossible to believe that the church, dare I say even our church, is still causing hurt and pain.

When I think of where I came from I have been fortunate. I never once remember being bored at church. I can't tell you a time where I was looked down upon in the church I grew up in. I wasn't mistreated or hurt. I was lucky. The memories I have of church are memories I enjoy. I remember the smell of the sanctuary; the way it looked during the day with the lights off. I remember the best hiding spots. I remember imagining myself swinging from the lights that hung down with colored "jewels" in vertical rows decorating them. I remember the high ceiling, the giant beams holding the ceiling up, the ceiling fans that were so high I wondered if they really did any good. I remember baptisms when Pastor Dan would talk to each person and ask them if they knew where they would be if they were to get into an accident as they left the parking lot. I remember the sound of the water as they came up out of the baptismal. I remember the picture of Jesus and his sheep that hung over the baptismal and the plants that sat in a row in front of it. I remember the sound of the organ. I even remember the chimes that didn't get played all that often but sure made a glorious sound when they did. I remember the way the bushes smelled and felt outside the stained glass windows. I remember the sound basketballs made on the concrete in the gym. I remember being intimidated by the mountain of books in Pastor Dan's office, and reading The Far Side in Pastor Nate's office. I remember the color of the brick in the walls in the old Sunday School rooms and the way the bathrooms echoed when you'd shut a stall door. I remember the nursery and it's murals and the jail cell cribs that sat in a separate but connected room to the nursery. I remember desperately wanting to play floor hockey with the high school, but the lesson I learned about always needing something to look forward to. I remember the drive from home to church. I remember the light on the piano and Becky Bradfield's face when she played. I remember the small hallway's that led behind the stage. I remember praise notes and joy notes and the white robes we wore with red tie things around the neck. I remember AWANAS and desperately trying to quick memorize three verses in hopes that I would complete my book and get to go to Chicago. I remember where Frosty Edkin sat. I remember Blaine Carrol before he had hair. I remember the devotionals and informational pamphlets on the book case in the foyer. I remember the mailboxes and the pictures of all the missionaries we supported lining the world map that hung in the same foyer. I remember the envelopes that people could use for their offering. The red covered hymnals. The red covered attendance booklet at the end of each row. The green felt bottom of the offering plates. The red carpet and red backed pews. The holes for the communion cups. The tile floor underneath the pews. The sound the hymnals made as they were pulled from those pews. The potluck dinners. The smurf pop. The kitchen.

I remember the communion table that sat ever present in front that said "Do this in remembrance of me". I remember the way the elders served Pastor Dan and he in turn served them. I remember surrounding the sanctuary after communion and singing A'Capella "Blest Be the Tie That Binds".

And now I'm crying.

You see, I don't remember a whole lot of what Pastor Dan said while preaching. I do remember him using comics sometimes. I remember how he'd stand, and the water that always sat in a glass by the pulpit, but I don't remember what he said specifically. I remember Tom Norton preaching while wearing a Dennis Rodman jersey, but I don't remember what Jesus would say to Dennis Rodman. I remember more hymns by heart than I do the songs we sing every Sunday now. Those sermons Dan preached whether I remember them or not, and the music we sang, shaped me. I won't forget that. They are an intricate part of God's work within me as a child. I WILL NOT forget that.

That church, though, is now old, and out of new tricks and goodies. It wouldn't stand a chance now with our cool instruments, big screen videos, state of the art sound systems, and psychological set-up meant to welcome all new comers so that they don't see the truth about our broken, imperfect selves. Here is the thing though, as we held hands and sang that song, we didn't care if you were new or not, you were part of our family. We had community, we had fellowship, we had worship, we had mission, we had discipleship, we had ministry, but we didn't have cool and we didn't have entertainment. We didn't have elaborate systems in place to keep tabs on every person that visited our services. We just had the Holy Spirit. I guess that just wasn't enough.

Don't get me wrong, the church is doing a lot of things right today and they've corrected a lot of what was wrong with the church in the past. In a lot of cases there is life and excitement and energy in churches today that somehow fell to the wayside in many churches of the past. The church had a tendency to get hung up on stupid little things that in some cases caused major hurt and pain; church splits, and venomous words and feelings toward each other. The church today is tremedously focused on the disconnected, the lost, the seeking. This was, to varying degrees missing in a lot of old church. I do not question the heart of those who lead the new church. I believe that the people leading new church are in love with the same creator, savior, comfortor, and friend that the leaders of old church were. I believe that most would do absolutely anything to see God's Kingdom come and His will be done. They are amazing men and women leading the new church. We continue to search the mysteries of God and He continues to reveal truth, but what if He revealed truth to old church too and what if truth isn't relative but actually constant. New church remains imperfect.

I believe, however, that we can learn a lot from the church of old. They had a love and passion for God's Word that is difficult for church of new to compete with. They had a knowledge of God's Word that is hands down deeper than the church of new. You would have had a hard time finding people who couldn't name the books of the Bible or tell you who Sampson was. A third grader in old church could kick the butt of a new church high schooler in a good ol' game of Bible trivia.

I must add...I refuse to believe that the church was ever too boring. I have heard plenty of complaints about old church being boring. It is simply untrue and I believe a distraction to current ministry. It is possible that the person claiming boredom was not able to engage in some way, but there were plenty of people there at that time that were so far from bored that they were actually enjoying that which was seemingly excruciating to he who cries boredom.

I've also heard old church referred to as mere religion and not relationship. Again, this is a fallacy. The church has been God's body from it's installment. A church that clung to God's word was in no way mere religion but rather a living, breathing, body that was Christ and His bride. It is possible that he who cries religion had a heart that was practicing a religion, but you can't blame the church for that. It was he who cries religion's own sin that kept him/her from being able to participate in the church as a body rather than an instition. No offense, for all have sinned. It is nature. Just don't blame the church.

I love the church. I love God's people. I love God most of all. I don't want to lose focus on the message of Christ's love that old church AND the new church so closely cling to. We spend so much time avoiding the old that sometimes we may accidentally avoid that everlasting message too. And that is a dangerous place to be.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Today's Route

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Here's Hopin'

I hope Micah makes it to 18 years. I'm actually a little worried. The kid is bleeding with bruises all over his head every time you look at him. He is like Rambo or something but he doesn't kill people. I am concerned.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Old Recordings

So I stumbled upon this today while waiting for my sister-in-law to make up her mind. Play around on it. I especially like the hymns section.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Food Nazi Week Day 1

Pam has declared this week Food Nazi Week. Though she never actually named it that, I have given this week its rightful title due to its regimented nature, and its cleansing intentions. Anyway, I will explain the rules of "Food Nazi Week" and for the next 7 days (that's including this one) I will journal my experience.


On January 22 at 3:32PM I received the following in my e-mail inbox.

Dear Joel,

Attached is a personalized, custom dining plan for one week for your perusal. Yes, the daily calories are pretty low for a guy, but it would be ideal for a kick-off week for fitness. I worked really hard on it and want to try it. Not included is, of course, lots of water, and you could probably sneak some diet Pepsi in too - maybe save it for exclusively after kids are in bed or something.


Attached to the e-mail was the file which can be downloaded here.

I have posted these things with permission from my wife. I want to make it clear that the whole Nazi dictator thing is a complete joke. I am allowed to eat as much fruit or veggies as I want beyond the plan and this is only for ONE week. Anyway, I don't want anyone getting any ideas that Pam is trying to run my life, she is just throwing together some good food to eat that is healthy and good for our family as a whole. AND if she DID want to run my life, I'd probably let her. However, in the spirit of my own sick fun I will refer to my wife throughout this blog exclusively as the Food Nazi Dictator (or FND).

Day 1

Today marks the first day of Food Nazi Week. We started off with a bowl of Crispix. I don't eat breakfast, almost ever... I'm not a big fan of cereal and I'd rather just get up and go. I realize this isn't a good habit but it's what I do. I ate the bowl of cereal and a banana. It was good, but nothing to write home about. Just to blog about I guess.
After our weekly trip for groceries we headed home and I was promptly served a bowl of sliced apples and peanut butter. I enjoyed it. The apples were good but the best part was sitting at the table with Gabriel and munching them. He ate them in half the time it took me.
Because we would have Cooper today at noon, Food Nazi Dictator went on her run right after snack time. Cooper came and so did lunch. We had open faced tuna sandwiches and steamed broccoli and I had an orange.
FND and I stayed up late last night because we decided we were going to start at season one of "Lost" at and we got hooked right away. The stupid show leaves you hanging big-time after every episode. We couldn't let it go. Anyway, we got to bed much later than usual and were very tired come post lunch. In a rare moment at the Rohde's everyone in the house napped at the same time. I woke first and put on my running clothes and did a quick 3 miles (which is getting to be pretty easy and normal). Then got home and sat down as FND presented me with carrots and light ranch dressing to dip them in. I didn't eat the ranch. It wasn't any good really. I did eat all my carrots though. I really enjoyed that time too because, again Gabriel ate with me and, again he ate super duper fast. He loves veggies. I like them, he LOVES them. There's a difference between like and love, like...I like my Prada Backpack, but I LOVE my Sketchers.
When supper rolled around we were going to eat burgers. Not just any burgers, however. Seriously, the very best burgers I've ever had in my life; hands down. Food Nazi Dictator got a new recipe book, and the thing has been dynamite any time she's used it. Tonight, FND was the Enola Gay dropping a freaking A-Bomb on Rohde-shima. It was an incredible meal. Let me explain these things to you. Turkey, not beef. No mustard, ketchup, mayo, or any other kind of sauce. Chili Peppers mixed in the Turkey. Topped with lettuce, tomato, pepper-jack cheese, red onion, and avocado. If you would have told me that is what we were having last night I would have probably not been looking forward to it. I know that if anyone is actually reading this they are possibly thinking, no way, never. You HAVE to try this recipe. It is unbelievable. I have never tasted such a flavorful burger in my life. Red-Robin should put this on the menu. It is less than half the calories of a burger you would get at McDonald's and 100 times as good. I don't care if you like veggies or not, you must try it. I grilled the burgers too, which is fun in 5 degrees with a 40mph wind and a light snow. We also had Sweet Potato fries that were from the recipe book. They were good as well. FND said they were her favorite part. They were absolutely yummy. To top it off we had pees. I love pees. It was a great meal.

Because we so enjoy the time together Food Nazi Dictator planned a late night snack for each night this week. Tonight is Tostitos and Salsa. Altogether today we will have consumed under 2000 calories which is about 1200 calories less than what I would need to eat to maintain my current weight. Add to that 3 miles running you can subtract about 350-400 calories, it makes for a good day. I am not hungry at all and I liked everything I was given to eat with the exception of the light ranch dressing. I look forward to the rest of...

Food Nazi Week.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

If Only We All Could Love Like G

So Gabriel is a lover. He is one that will randomly come over to you, hug you, kiss you, and say, "You look pretty" (even if you are a boy). He is a little boy that gets into trouble as well though. That brings me to this story.

Once upon a time there was a bedroom with safety handles that a certain mother and father put on the inside so their lovely child would know that at bedtime he may as well go to sleep because he is not escaping. As the child grew up, however, he figured out how to remove said safety handles and therefor became fully capable of opening his door ever so slightly, and peeking out. On certain occasions, if he thought the coast was clear, he would, as quietly as possible, tip-toe his way down the hall to peek into the living room. When spotted he would race back into his room and climb into bed and act as if nothing had happened. At some point, every night, mom and dad would get tired of the charade and begin to get frustrated. "What should we do?" they would ask each other. They couldn't put him in time out when caught because he would then be out of his room which was the whole plan in the first place. Then dad came up with a plan. The next time dad heard the door open ever so slightly he said, "Gabriel (that was obviously the boy's name), the next time you open your door, Curious George will get a time out." You see; dad knew that his son had a soft spot for his stuffed Curious George doll. Mom and dad thought this had done the trick, for many minutes passed by without a sound from his room. But then, ever so softly, and ever so slowly, the click of the door's latch crept down the hall and into the ears of mom and dad. Determined to follow through, dad walked down the hall, picked up his son, and put him into bed. He then picked up Curious George and said with the drama of a Broadway star, "Curious George, I'm so sorry, but you have to have a time out because Gabriel couldn't listen to mom and dad. I'm very sorry." He then took the doll and placed him on the highest shelf in the room facing the wall and exited the room, pulling the door behind him. For the next two minutes, Gabriel sobbed. So genuinely he cried. He mumbled through his tears things like, "I need Curious George. May I please have Curious George. Please no time out Curious George." When the ding of the kitchen timer went off marking the two minute time Dad went to release Curious George from his bondage. Gabriel took Curious George into his arms and hugged him close and said, "I'm Sorry Curious George" through short breaths marking the end of his grief. Mom and Dad didn't hear from him the rest of the night. The mere mention of a Curious George time out is now all it takes for mom and dad to once again enjoy their evenings together without interruption. And they lived happily ever after...for now.

The End