Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fo Rizzle

Scary...what's going to happen?  (Imagine suspenseful music)

Just to clear a few things up:  Yes it is real.  No this wasn't anywhere close to sporadic.  It is the trinity symbol with shading to give it emotion.  Yes it hurt.  No I didn't cry.

The morning after.
I'm can't tell
Who knew...I have a mole.  Nice of the artist to put it in the middle of the design.


Mom (L) said...

When did you do it? I absolutely love it!! Looks great. When is Pam getting hers?

Jake Rohde said...

Wow. Ok.

Pam said...

I think it looks really good.

You're actually surprised by that tat Jake? He's been talking about getting one for about a decade now.

Emily Romero said...

I think you are a stud.

I love it, and you! :D

Joel Rohde said...

I wish Pam would get one.

Emily Romero said...

I think she would be cooler if she did...

She should get a heart with "Joel" written in it. That'd be sweet. I would seriously LOVE it if my future spouse did something like that... you should drop hints, once I'm married. :)