Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fo Rizzle

Scary...what's going to happen?  (Imagine suspenseful music)

Just to clear a few things up:  Yes it is real.  No this wasn't anywhere close to sporadic.  It is the trinity symbol with shading to give it emotion.  Yes it hurt.  No I didn't cry.

The morning after.
I'm can't tell
Who knew...I have a mole.  Nice of the artist to put it in the middle of the design.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Long Day

Days that end with 3 hour meetings are long.  Days watching four kids are super long for Pam.  When I got home she was already in bed.  That never happens.  Makes me bummed, but I understand.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Long time since I've blogged here.

Last night I was taken out on the town with a most beautiful lady.  She took me to Woodfire Grill and we sat outside.  Then we walked along the river hand and hand and even practiced a small amount of PDA.  THEN we went mini-golfing and practiced just a little more PDA (we figure we've earned the right to PDA since we are married with children).  THEN we topped off our date with delicious Tropical Sno, picked up the empty jugs, the money, and went home.  IT WAS AMAZING!  Pam wore a dress and I wore...ummm...a nice shirt (I don't know why she likes me).  IT WAS AMAZING! (did I already say that?)  It was SO nice out and we were downtown.  I would say it was probably among the nicest dates in the history of all dating.  Sounds like an overstatement?  Consider this:  Since Gabriel was born I think I can count the number of times Pam and I have gone out for ourselves on one hand.  You really start to appreciate little tiny things.  For instance, we remembered what it was like to be able to get in and out of the car without having to buckle and unbuckle kids.  We walked along the river at our own pace and not the pace of a racing two year old pushing an empty stroller.  We wore nice clothes without running the risk of grubby hands ruining them.  We went mini-golfing without having to stop Gabriel from clocking his brother with the club or keep Micah from bathing in the overly dyed fountains, streams, and ponds.  We ordered food and only had to share with each other.  The waitress didn't look at us with disdain because our kid had more food on the floor underneath him than had gone in his mouth.  We stayed out past 8:30 pm.  We didn't have to pack strollers or carry children.  We didn't have to stop Emily and Gabriel from fighting in the back'd that get in there?

Anyway, I LOVE family dates with everyone, but I will not turn down a chance to have my wife all to myself every once in awhile. That just doesn't happen enough.

I'd like to thank all those that made this night possible.  Pam for clearing the schedule, planning the night out and just being Pam.  It was all a surprise for me btw.  I had no idea what we were going to do before hand.  Thanks also to Emily for staying home, watching the kids, feeding them, bathing them, and putting them to bed, then cleaning the kitchen and the living room. That was a big job.  She also made coconut cookies and, I have to was odd that while we were on our way home, Pam suddenly blurted out, "Emily made coconut cookies!  YUM!" Anyway...thanks.