Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight

Yes it is 3:30 a.m.
Yes I was foolishly young again and went to a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight"
Yes it was amazing
Yes the Joker is the greatest villain of all time
Yes I am finally tired and going to bed

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tasmanian Devil Invasion

So yesterday Pam worked her rear off and got the apartment looking super nice and neat and clean. So when I left for work today I left a sparkling apartment. It was great! Three cheers for Pam. When I returned home from work however, this is what the living room looked like.

So I said to Pam, "What happened?"
"Gabriel." Was all she said.

Lesson from the John Deere Classic

So I had the honor of working the John Deere Classic last Wednesday as a "hole marshal". Let me assure you, it sounds way more important than it is. Basically I was the guy that held the quiet please sign before each shot. We were located on the 12th hole which is a par 3. It was fun and I learned a lot. First, most pros are really pretty nice guys. We as marshals weren't allowed to talk to the pros unless they talked to us first. I was genuinely surprised to find that many of them were very nice guys who would say hi, how ya doin, and sometimes get chatty and tell you about their new dog. Notice I said "most" pros. I must admit that Zach Johnson the big shot who won a green jacket last year. Ummmm, yeah, he wouldn't even look in your direction. Maybe he was just in the zone, or something. So much so that he placed 69th or something like that. Anyway, the biggest lesson I learned as I took part in the hype that surrounds the god-like men that take to the tee and drive 400 yards with a 9 iron was this. Even the pros have butt sweat.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Me Away

Feeling overcast
Completely incomplete
Don’t have it all figured out
All the answers to believe
This world has lost its wings
Broken by the one who sings
Depravity has pushed me down again
So take me away to the place that my heart knows
The place that I call home
So Take me away to that peaceful shore
Where I will long no more
Take me away
Where has mercy gone?
Everything feels undone
Really trying hard
This life’s a long dry run
But when I look up in the sky
My heart begins to fly
As the hope of what I’ll be heals who I am
so far away
Lord you seem to be
Grace and faith
Just a beautiful …mystery
- Andrew Landers

I heard it and had to write it here. Today, this is me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Word is Relieving in So Many Ways

I am blogging right now because of a few things. My in-laws are in town. Which is cool. They take Gabriel whenever I need an extra hand or something. They clean the house, take out the trash, etc... It is like having a midget. It is a dream come true. We went to the pool yesterday and they even went on the slides with me. I was like a little kid again. Actually, John was really like a little kid. He was telling me during the 10 minute break they have every hour that when he was a kid they used to dare each other to jump in the pool and then they'd get in trouble and have to sit out for awhile. It was funny because he is funny.

Anyway, I read all of 2 Timothy today while I took a poop. That is the best part about having a Bible on your phone.