Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Productive Day

Yesterday was not productive. Today was extremely productive. The difference...getting out of the office. You see, yesterday I was at the office. I was working hard trying to get stuff done. At 10:00 in the morning one of our youth kids showed up with a friend and wanted my help with some stuff. So I helped until noon, ate lunch, then went and helped some more. Then at 2:00 I was ready to make my escape to Mojo's (my favorite coffee shop). As I was walking out the door, in came an old friend that I or Doug hadn't seen in quite sometime. It was exciting to chat with him and hang out, but I ended up getting nearly nothing done after 10a.m.

Today was different. I didn't even go to the office. I took a printed copy of my Palm Desktop's To Do list and started checking things off. Everything I wanted to get done for the week I got done. Well, not done, but as far as humanly possible right now since much is contingent on other people. Anyway, long story short. Don't stay in the office.

On another note. I knew a kid named Brendan Dunphy when I was in High School. I just saw a commercial as I was eating lunch at home. It was an Iowa State University commercial promoting the college. I swear it was Brendan that was the spokesperson on the commercial. I am looking for it again so I can be sure. Pretty cool huh?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas in...well...December

Right now Gabriel is giving kisses to his sibling. Yes folks, he is kissing Pam's tummy. This after a fun night of opening yet a few more gifts. A football and a puzzle book. He even had a stocking even though Santa doesn't exist (I feel I have to add the "Santa doesn't exist" part so that Pam's family knows that I don't actually believe in Santa). In his stocking he got a fleet of little trucks, new bibs, slippers, a toy hammer, a basketball, and a can of 3 tennis balls. I know the tennis balls sound random, but he LOVES them, especially dumping them out of the can and putting them back in.

Pam and I did stockings for each other too. We set an amount that we were allowed to spend and went out and got gifts for each other. This was extremely fun. Pam knows me all too well. She got me 3 pounds of Cheez-its, a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi, a big box of Nerds, a bottle of Blackberry Brandi, a really nice hat, 3 lottery tickets, and a Whities gift card. It was really fun.

Last night we watched "Mamma Mia" which I thought was horrible. I watched every minute of it, hated all but one minute of it, and will never watch it again if I can help it. The one minute I liked was the random men that come out of the ocean wearing flippers and do the gayest dance I've ever seen. That was just funny. Anyway, I'll stop with the critique now in fear I will offend one of the people in my life who insist that it is one of the greatest movies in the world. I guess I am on the opposite side of the spectrum having wished many times throughout the movie that I had given myself a paper cut and poured lemon juice on it for entertainment instead. That is all.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

How He Loves

Last night we were playing "Boxers or Briefs" (its a board game) and someone gave me a card that said "I am going to sing my favorite song" (no time to explain the rules. Just go with it.). Until a few months ago I would have had to pick a song out of a hat because I didn't have a favorite song. I love a lot of music for a lot of different reasons. There are days I want to listen to Dave Matthews do the "Two Step" and days when I want to hear Norah Jones "Turn Me On". Some days I want to hear Switchfoot tell me why they were "Meant to Live" and Toby Mac explain that he was "Made to Love" then I would want to relax to Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue". On any given day I would choose any given song to be the one that I would love that day. I have 2891 songs on my iTunes right now and a list of songs that I plan on getting. I love almost all of them and a couple months ago could not and would not have picked a favorite. There was just no song that couldn't be replaced the next minute, hour, or day by another song that was just right for that time and that place. Now, I still think along those lines. I still love music just for music. Well folks, I have a favorite song now. Here is the story.

I went to a worship conference in October. This was a big conference with big names in the worship world. Paul Baloche (writer of "Open the Eyes of My Heart", "I See the Lord", and a whole slew of others), Lincoln Brewster, Jared Anderson, Glen Packiam, John Egan, and a lot more were all at this conference. It was cool and everything but I have a lot of beefs with the creation of "Corporate Jesus" that these things have created and promoted(unintentionally I hope, anyway, that is another blog). Well this guy came up to the stage at one point, he was new to the "Integrity" Record Label. His name was Joel Auge. He said, I think this is the most beautiful song in the world. And there I stood singing it and crying. I don't have this often with songs. I know, I'm a worship leader, but either I know too much about music, or I just find most worship music shallow and unable to penetrate broken hearts very often. I just think that too many artists intend for their songs to penetrate hearts, forgetting that the Holy Spirit is in charge of the heart change and our job is simply to provide as many outlets as we humanly can where that connection can happen (music or otherwise). Anyway, this song was obviously NOT intended for people to sing it in church. In fact, there was no real intention for the song. But it is changing the world.
"How He Loves"

He is jealous for me
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
Bending beneath
The weight of his wind and mercy
When all of a sudden
I am unaware of these
Afflictions eclipsed by glory
And I realize how beautiful you are
And how great your afflictions for me

Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so

Yea He loves us
Oh how

We are his portion
And he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking
So heaven meats earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart burns violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
He loves us

Oh how he loves us so
Oh how he loves us
How he loves us so

Yea He loves us
Oh how

I thought about you
The day Stephen died
And you met me between my breaking
I know that I still love you God
Despite the agony
See people they want to tell me your cruel
But if Stephen could sing
He'd say its not true
Cause your good

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ashley oh Ashley! Wherefore art thou, Ashley?

So does anyone else wonder why Ashley Lang doesn't have a blog? For those who may not know, she is the sister of Pam (my wife) and Emily (who's blog is in my blogging friends). She says she has a boring life and nothing to blog about. I think that is a terrible excuse. Just by blogging your life's boring quotient disappears. You officially have an exciting life just by having a blog. Not only that, but I think there is a lot of beauty in the mundane.

I declare this blog the official start to the "Get Ashley to Blog" petition. If you would like Ashley Lang to blog please do the following: Comment on this blog. If you have a blog, write an entry on it declaring your love for Ashley and your desire to know what is going on in her life. The way I figure, even if she decides to ignore us, she will be put in a relatively awkward position of having a lot of people blog about her.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Kudos to Jase

This is a shout out to my super super super cool brother Jase. He is currently on his way to California and therefor wearing sandals, no coat, no hat, no mittens...completely ready to walk off into southern CA. He left his neato thick flannel jacket, arctic furry hat, and giant mittens so that I could use them. Yes, I used them to push Doug out of his driveway. Yes, I wasn't even cold. Except my nose. I couldn't smell a thing through my frozen boogers.

Home Alone

99.999% of the time I would tell you that I have the best job in the world. I have a flexible schedule, I do a lot of different things, I work with people on a regular basis, I am cared for deeply by a special body of people, and I am allowed to have fun on the job. Tonight, I don't like my job. Just tonight. You see, I am stuck 4 hours away from my family. It sucks. I hate being home alone. Sure, there are a slew of people who would happily open their home and have me over. But when I am missing my family, it is almost better for me to sit at home and sulk. So that is what I'm doing tonight.

I take that back. I just got a call from Doug. He got stuck in his driveway. He asked if I could come and help push him out. It looks like I will be going over there after all.

I'm dreaming of a 72 degrees and sunny Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Story of My Night

We went to a Go Fish concert tonight with Gabriel. It was weird how insanely involved he was in the concert. I don't think kids his age typically sit for two hours completely focused on what is going on in front of him.

The Story of Gabriel at the concert in very short musings:

The lights go off announcing the start of the concert, big pillars glow with different Christmas colors on stage. Gabriel immediately sits at attention.

The song "Christmas with a Capital C" starts things off with Jason nearest us, Jamie in the middle, and Andy on the far side of the stage. They aren't singing quite yet, just a recording of some comedian talking about Christmas being spelled with a "C". Gabriel grabs mom and climbs in her lap because he's not sure what is going on. They start singing. Gabriel snaps back to attention because he knows those voices.

They continue singing, kids all over the venue begin singing along, then dancing, pumping fists, clapping, head-banging, etc... Gabriel watches closely.

They continue singing. Gabriel starts clapping, then dancing, head-banging, then stops, then remembers he can, then stops.

Intermission. Diaper change, Gabriel introducing himself to complete strangers, many complete strangers oohing and ahhing over this cute kid running around in P.J.'s. Same old comments, "He's so cute." "How old is he?" "He walks so well."

Singing starts again, Gabriel is so into it even though his eyes are half closed because he is so tired.

Concert ends, standing ovation. Encore "Little Drummer Boy" Interlude in the middle of the song with Jamie Statema playing a huge drum set that was just rolled out on the stage. Mom fighting hard to keep Gabriel from jumping up, climbing up on stage, and kicking Jamie off the drums so he can play.

Concert actually ends. Mom and Dad decide the line is to long to meet Jamie, Jason, and Andy. Car is started. Gabriel is sleeping before we are out of the parking lot.

Arrive home 10:45. Gabriel wakes up and has a tough time falling asleep. Finally finds himself in dreamland on moms chest as she blogs on the computer. Dad blogs about another great night with the family. Then he shuts his computer and goes to sleep.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Football Day!

Today at church we had a congregational meeting so we got home about an hour later than normal. We went to Doug and Nancy's house (good friends of ours) and had dinner. We had football on the tv while we ate. Then I got super sleepy and almost fell asleep on their couch when we decided it was time to go. So we got home and football went on the tv, I took a really short nap, then continued to watch football. I have literally watched football all day long. I watched the Vikings kick the crap out of the Cardinals. I watched my fantasy players win me the championship trophy. Now, as I write, the Cowboys are ahead of the Giants.

I say all of this to lead into my next paragraph. I can't figure out where I got so lucky that Pam NEVER complains when I want to watch football. In our entire married life I cannot recall ever once hearing her complain about football. She doesn't just put up with me watching either. She will actually sit next to me on the couch during the game.

Pam reads these "mom" chat boards online every once in awhile. It is a good place to get advice and learn about events in the area. Anyway, she will share different posts with me. I've heard wives complain about how their husbands will just sit and watch TV all day long and how it drives them nuts. The thing is, if you think about it, the wives aren't all wrong. Sure, every once in awhile a guy should get to watch a game, but all day Sunday, all night Monday and Thursday, and all day Saturday is probably a little much. Pam really doesn't care though. Funny thing though, when Pam wants to watch Desperate Housewives in the middle of the Cowboys game, not only do I say sure, I actually WANT her to watch it. She deserves it. She even lets me check the score on commercials. Her show is only an hour. I'll catch the end of the game anyway.

So in conclusion, my wife just proves over and over that there is just none out there that can compare with her. Here's to my beautiful wife!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Selfish Wish List Part 1

Okay, in keeping with the trend, here are my selfish wishes. In no particular order.

1. A DVR with a HUGE hard drive.
2. A new TV to watch my recordings from the DVR
3. The keys to a mini-van with great gas mileage
4. Season tickets to the Quad City River Bandits
5. A heavy fleece lined zip up hoody
6. An X-Box 360 with NCAA '09
7. A Martin Acoustic Guitar (Solid Koa Wood)
8. A membership to the YMCA
9. Eye Glasses
10. Gift card to Home Depot for a kitchen remodel
11. Gift card to Home Depot for a bathroom remodel

My movies back on. Gotta go. More to come.

State of the House Search Address

My Fellow Blog Watchers,

As some of you may know, my family is in the process of looking for a house. We are in no hurry as we have a comfy apartment that is on a monthly lease. We have another family member on his/her way, however, and are thinking that we may be in need of more room. Especially since right now, visitors are stuck sleeping on a couch. This blog is dedicated to my thoughts on the houses that we have looked at. I have named them by their locations. Not by address or anything else. This protects is to protect the innocent...or more likely just because I think it is more fun.

Brady Street Houses (Davenport): We looked at two homes on Brady Street in Davenport. They were old and I guess, in a certain way, charming. I very much disliked their locations and lack of yards. They would also have been difficult to keep up. While some families may love the houses, Pam and I are putting a definite "NO" on these two.

Mall House (Davenport): I really liked the location of this house. It was within about a 2 minute walk of North Park Mall. The neighborhood is clean and seemingly safe. The house was small and while it had three bedrooms, I am not sure you could even fit a bed in one of them. It was cute. Again, I think that this would make a great home for a family of our size, but something about it just didn't feel right. And yes, I DO think that you can and even should base at least some of your opinion of a house based on how you "feel" about it. Anyway, my vote is "No" on this one as well.

Dark House (Davenport): This house was I guess I could live in it, but I'm not sure I want to make the biggest purchase of my life thus far on something that I don't totally want. I didn't totally want this house. There was nothing really wrong with it. It was about the same size as the Mall House, it was in another clean and well kept neighborhood. Its location in terms of distance to Eldridge was great. It sits right off of Division Street which runs right into Eldridge. It is about 1 1/2 miles off South of 80 making it about a 7 minute drive to the church office. Alas, I had to vote "NO" to this one as well. I just can't do the Davenport thing. Maybe if we found just the right house. I don't think it has anything to do with Davenport in and of itself. I just haven't seen anything there that I really want.

Cat Pee House (DeWitt): Cat Pee, REALLY weird floor plan, a giant rock with the previous owners name engraved on it, a HUGE living room area, a HUGE dining room area, and still only 2 bedrooms that you could spend days looking for if you didn't know where you were going, ugly carpet, asbestos in the attic, a basement that was caving in, and did I mention cat pee? Anyway, "NO".

Ramp House (DeWitt): This is a hard house for me. I can't say that I hated it. It has a lot of potential. It didn't help that its still occupied so you have to try so hard to see past someone Else's junk. Again this was a house that didn't get me all excited. It had a living space above the basement that could make a killer bedroom and is even supposed to. They apparently have been in the process of making into something. There is so much left to do though. The kitchen is small with no where to open it up. The living room is small. The bathroom is okay. The bedrooms are small. The curb appeal is non-existent. There is wood siding on the garage that needs fixed. I would have to say, while probably better than some of the others that we've looked at, I am still voting "NO".

Ginormo Bush House (DeWitt): I have to say that I could buy this house. It is OLD! VERY OLD! It has so much charm to it though. I am a sucker for original woodwork, built ins, and old homes like this. This house needs a lot of work, but everything points to it being pretty solid as far as foundation, floors, roof, new furnace, etc... Most of the work it needs is cosmetic. The kitchen is butt ugly, but nothing that can't be fixed and taken care of. I can picture us removing the wall between the kitchen and dining room to open it up. I don't know. I can't shake this house. There is so much that needs to be done to it, but so much I think I'd enjoy doing. I think it would be VERY rewarding to work on this house, care for it, and make it beautiful again, as I'm sure it was when it was but a young house. We would have to spend, probably the entire first year tearing down the wall paper. The next year, painting. We would need to replace the bathroom sink, and install a shower almost immediately. The bathroom floor looks like it could use some help too. The bathroom in general would be a project. Oh, and the 10 foot overgrown bushes that surround the house would have to go first thing this spring. I say this house is a "Definite Possibility."

Foreboding Eagle House (Long Grove): So there is no yard. Only because it is filled with bushes, trees, gazebos, statues, foreboding eagle decor, light poles, and rocks. It looks like Narnia threw up. Take all that away and it has a nice sized yard. The house is the oldest one we looked at I think. For its age, it has been pretty well kept. It has a lot of space downstairs with a big kitchen, a family room, a formal dining room, a bedroom, the only bathroom in the house, the laundry/den, a fireplace, and a deck off the den. The upstairs looks like it could fall down tomorrow, but it is still pretty nice. The windows are old. There are three small bedrooms upstairs. I am not sure that the upstairs have really been used for awhile there. Four bedrooms in all. One small bathroom in all. I love the location as it is about 4 minutes away from the office. In fact, I think that even though it is in another town, it probably isn't that much further from the office than Doug's house. It is in Long Grove so if you fix up what needs fixing and make it presentable, your property value is not going down anytime soon. It is an estate. It is still a little higher than we can afford, but we might be able to talk them down into a more reasonable price because it is an estate that needs work. My imagination to what we could do to the house isn't able to run wild like it does with the DeWitt house. I am pretty sure that property taxes in Long Grove are exorbitant. I vote "Maybe" on this one.

Thus ends my thoughts on our quest for a house. Again, we are in no hurry and God will make whatever he wants possible for us. He will lead us to the right one. I'm not worried. If you have any questions about the naming of the houses just ask. I'll expound as requested.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To My Dear Brother Jase:

Okay, so this is getting good. This whole blogging thing is really bringing out the best in everyone. If you are interested read this. It's a blog by Jase in response to Jake and my conversation about Fantasy Football.

Dear Jase,

I that I would tell you the main reasons that I partake in fantasy.

1. I can name 4 guys out of the 12 in our league that very well would not be at North Ridge Community Church if they hadn't been asked to participate in the league. One was the neighbor of a new Christian who was asked to be in the league. Since the start of the league 12 weeks ago he has only missed one Sunday. He is at church early almost every week because he loves the camaraderie of the guys that are there setting up who talk about who is playing who, and what games are going to be big.

2. Two, I touched on it in the last point, but I'd like to draw out the camaraderie that has been formed between the guys in the league. We talk during the week, hang out before church, talk about things that aren't even related to football, watch games together, have a beer (me a coke because I hate beer, although one guy will always mix me a captain and coke, which is cool) together, and just plain enjoy each other's company. This being with guys, that I probably would not have even known or had anything in common with a couple months ago.

3. It allows me to see the game from a completely different angle. I LOVE the Vikings. They are my favorite team. If I have no players from the Vikings I still root for them to win, even against the guys in my line-up. BUT now I see the game in terms of field position, time of possession, injuries, and detail that I never watched before. EVERY play from the first to the last, matters to me. Last night is a good example. I had Antonio Bryant playing Steve Smith and I needed to hold a 6 point lead. Not easy to do against a receiver as powerful as Smith. Both Carolina and Tampa have a better record than Minnesota. I of course would like to see Tampa win just so that Carolina doesn't get that much closer to having home field advantage through the playoffs. They are one of two teams this season that haven't lost at home. The other being Tampa. Here's the kicker though, I don't really care too much since the Vikings fate is really in them winning their division, which I think they will do. So instead of rooting for Tampa to merely win. I am rooting for Carolina to get about two touchdowns ahead on the ground. This way they will run more, and Tampa will have to throw more deep. Then when the fourth quarter rolls around I want Tampa to throw a couple deep touchdowns, tie it, and go ahead with a field goal or something with time running out. The details add a lot more excitement for me. By the way, Steve Smith is amazing and got 23 fantasy points for my opponent. Antonio Bryant, however, got his season high 44 points. Guess, what. The game ended up going pretty close to what I just described except Tampa got ran all over in the fourth quarter by an incredible running show between DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart. Tampa lost. Not ideal for my team, but either one of those teams would be scary in the post season I think. Anyway, there I am with my eyes on every play. Standing during every deep pass, hooting and hollering on every Bryant/Smith catch. Two people I didn't really even know about last season. Some people may be able to watch football like this anyway. Not me. I typically wouldn't care how any team won or lost as long as MY team won or lost. In the end though, I just care that Minnesota wins or loses. By the way, when you don't have cable, you have to go to other people's houses to watch Monday Night Football. It is such a great excuse for a "Pastor's Visit".

So there are three points that make fantasy good for me. And yes, I would suggest that others try it out. I by no means think that everyone should be involved in fantasy football. I am perfectly okay with people that simply don't want to.

Monday, December 8, 2008

To My Dear Brother:

I encourage you to read my previous post, and the response to the post at before you read any further.

Dear Jake,

Personally I think that you took my post about fantasy football a little I know that I had no intention of making you feel bad about not being a fantasy person. I think it is perfectly fine not to participate in fantasy football. I'll admit that your post offended me just a little because I don't think it accurately represented my feelings about fantasy football and people. I may have used some superlatives or whatnot in my previous post that could have made people feel inferior for not wanting to participate in the sport. I'm sorry. I am responding to your post, just because it makes for some interesting web drama, and because I would like to make you feel a little bit perturbed as well. You know...because I'm the sharing type.

I would like to mention, first, that if you added up my entire time spent on my fantasy team during the season you would probably arrive at a number close to 1 hour. It isn't necessary to put more than five minutes a week into your team. At the end of the day you have absolutely no control of the outcome of your game. It really provides you with the opportunity to watch players you never would in the first place. There are also a lot of guys that I probably never would have gotten the opportunity to connect with if it weren't for the league. BUT I do see your point. There are those, and I'm assuming you must think of yourself as one of them, that would not be able to restrain themselves from sitting for hours in front of their computer every day comparing stats, weighing projections, and yelling at their wives for more beer. They could much better spend their time watching "The West Wing".

I would also like to point out that using Marion Barber of all backs as an example of a person valuable to a team but not necessarily to a fantasy team is somewhat mis-informed. Someone like Willie McGahee or Leron McClain would have definitely been a better example. You wouldn't know that though because you probably don't give a squat about the Ravens. You see, it isn't all about numbers. Projected field position, timing of scoring, match ups, even who is playing with who on what team are factors in your score. Yes, it boils down to numbers. But technically, so does a real football game. Besides, Willie McGahee is especially important to me if Antonio Bryant is playing against him. Why? I need Willie to stay just far enough ahead of the Bucs so that they have to pass down field to Bryant.

I should also mention that I really do feel bad for someone who would have to skip watching the NFC championship if it were between the Redskins and the 49rs because he so hated the site of either team. I guess I'd just have to you really love the NFL or just the Prima Donna Cowboys. Hey, before you get all offended remember, I love the Cowboys and root for them in every game they play, but I'm sick of Romo strutting around like he is King of the QB. Sick of T.O. whining every time the ball goes to someone else. If it weren't for Barber, Jones, and now Choice it would be hard for me not to see at least Romo and Owens, and throw jailbird PacMan in there too, as arrogant pricks. They have no business giving up a game like the one against the Steelers in the fourth quarter. Call it bad coaching or whatever, they choked. Just because you wear blue and silver on Sunday doesn't make you any better than Santana Moss. They should have to prove it. They haven't. It's too bad too, because I think that they are better. I think they really ARE better. But it is hard to perform if you are a head case.

There are people who would tell you all about how much they hate Harry Potter even though they never read one of his books. Or how terrible squash tastes even though looking at it is as close they've come to tasting it. I have a very hard time listening to those people. Their rants and raves just don't seem to hold much ground with me. I don't know why? Maybe you could help me out on this one.

Polite Children, Fantasy Football, and Stocks

So Gabriel is officially polite. Pam and I have wanted to teach baby sign language to Gabriel for awhile now and have failed miserably. Not because Gabriel hasn't picked it up but because we just haven't spent any time teaching him. So we decided that we should start teaching him now. We have begun with the word "please". Apparently kids who sign "please" and "thank you" are a lot more likely to say them without prompting when they grow up. Anyway, we started making a big deal of it for an evening. We would say to each other, "Mommy may I have a drink please." rubbing our hand in a circular motion on our chest when we said please. Then any time Gabriel wanted something like more food or a drink or to read a book we would make him say please and showed him how to sign it. Sure enough by the end of the evening he had started doing it a little. But by the end of the next day he did it by himself without prompting. Now he does it all the time. He'll point to something, rub his chest, and say "pease" (no "l" of course). It is awesome! Pavlov would be so proud. Next we must teach him some nouns so he can tell us what he is asking for. We've found that he'll sign "please" and we have no idea what he wants. So we are working on drink and eat. I'm sure it won't be long and he'll get those too.

On another note, I have to tell everyone a little about fantasy football. I am a fantasy football fan. I believe that it would be good for all fans of the sport to be involved in a fantasy league. Here are my reasons. First, you start following the whole league a lot closer. While you still have a favorite team that you root for, you also start rooting for players and watching every game like its the super bowl. For instance, I have Wes Welker on my fantasy team this year. I don't care a hoot about his game at all. I did watch via the ESPN "Fantasy Cast" and was just excited as all get out as he gets one reception after another for over 130 yards and a touchdown. That equals 21 points for me. Or, tonight's Monday night football game is HUGE for me. I am in the first round of the playoffs as the 4th seed. I am playing the number 1 seed. He has only lost 3 games all year. I am ahead right now by 6 points. He has Carolina's Steve Smith and I have Tampa's Antonio Bryant. Now this game becomes SUPER important. If Steve Smith gets a 10 yard touchdown reception he gets 7 points. He would go ahead. If that happens, though, and Antonio Bryant gets a reception for 20 yards, I would still be ahead by a point. See how this goes? It is obviously of the utmost importance. Anyway, I am MUCH more knowledgeable about individual players than I ever have been, AND I know way more than I ever did about how each team is doing. is a new website that I am taking an interest in. You buy and sell stock in professional athletes. It uses real money. The value of a player goes up as people buy their stock and fall as people sell. Their popularity is a reflection of how people will buy and sell their stock. I don't know, it looks cool. I think I may partake one of these days.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Recap Thanksgiving

So has come and gone another Thanksgiving. I can honestly say that I can not remember a year that I have actually been so deeply thankful. My life is good. I am well taken care of.

So it was a smaller crowd this year at the Eekhoff Thanksgiving Extravaganza. We had a huge lunch and it was delicious. Kudos to Grandma E. for a wonderful meal and endless patience in the kitchen with the one known only as "The Boss".

Gabriel had fun as well. He got to play with some of his 2nd cousins. He also went a total of 3 days with a non-stop smile. He literally didn't have a crabby moment the entire time. I think he likes all the attention and loving that he gets while he is at his grandma and grandpas house. Especially when his aunts and uncle are there as well. He is never left alone and he loves it.

I had a great time turning 26 as well. It was painless. I got a DVD player so that Pam and I and guests don't have to sit on top of each other to watch movies off of my computer screen any longer. Pam and I will probably choose to sit on top of each other still, but that is all the better. It saves on the heating bill.

The Cowboys won big and look like they could make a real run for the Super Bowl if they keep it up. Big, "if" but not out of the picture. Besides they will have to beat my Vikings if they want to do anything.

So all in all it was a good week. Relaxing, refreshing, etc... We have a lot to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Okay, so Pam has had the "Taste of the Holidays" put on my google calendar for a while now. Apparently Sam's club has a few days where they get all fancy with their samples and they have a whole ton of them. Pam made sure to instruct me not to plan anything on those days so that we could go to Sam's and eat. So yesterday for lunch we had Sam's.

I have never seen anything like it. Ever. We couldn't even get in the door because their first sampling table was right inside and had a line backed up to nearly outside. All throughout the store there were lines. LONG lines. Everything from chicken wings to cheesecake to salmon to pecan pie was being given away in one bite shots. I even had a shot of naked juice. Anyway, the craziest thing was that I left Sam's stuffed beyond belief.

My advice to everyone today...find someones with a Sam's membership and go have a free meal.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

Okay, so my wife just did some "confession time" in her blog. She challenged her readers to confess their own guilty pleasures. Here are a few of mine.

1. I drove Emily's car home from Waterloo the other night after meeting with the in-laws for pizza. She was coming to our house and I thought it would be fun for her and Pam to spend some road time together. She informed me that she had no radio tuner, but she DID have a CD player. So I lasted about 1.5 miles before I had to find something other than country. I don't mind country all the time, but for some reason that night it was the last thing I wanted. So I started popping in different Cd's and I came across this song called "High School Never Ends" by Bowling for Soup. It is a punk rock song all about how the whole world still is obsessed with who's the best dressed, and who's having sex, who's got the money, who's got the honey's, who's kinda cute, and who's just a mess. The lyrics are SO hilariously true. They are pretty nasty too. This song is my latest guilty pleasure. I must be getting old because that was the first time I'd heard the song and it is apparently pretty popular. Anyway, I can't get it out of my head.

2. I LOVE Dancing with the stars. I tried so hard to avoid it. I hated thinking about watching that show. I can't help it, I must give in. I LOVE the show. I look forward to seeing it. I don't even like TV so much, but that show is so...I don't know...FUN! Warren Sapp is my flipping hero. We're talking about a guy who is 6'2", 300 pounds, and has 297 NFL career tackles and 97 sacks. He could beat the crap out of either of the other two fairies left on the show, yet he smiles and laughs constantly.

3. I have this new recording software on the computer at the office. When Doug is around there is never time to mess around with it. Since he's on vacation, I've spent some time trying to figure it out. I love it. I still miss Doug though.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Wife

My wife rocks

She makes really really really good food.
She looks really really really good.
She smells really really really good.
She is a really really really good mom.
She is really really really smart.
She is really really really awesome.
I love her.
Guess what. Even if she didn't do any of those things, or wasn't any of those things, I would still love her.
She doesn't need to cook for me.
She doesn't have to look so fine.
She could constantly fart and bask in it thus smelling awful.
She could be just a mom, not a really really really good one.
She could be dumb.
She doesn't have to be awesome.
She just does, because she just is. I don't even think she can help it most of the time.
How did I get so lucky? Who am I to deserve such a wonderful person?
She kicks all the other guys wives ass in my book.
She probably then helps their ass to feel better just by looking at them and smiling.
Truly amazing that woman. Truly amazing.
She inspires me to write poetry:

A Poem
Inspired by Pamela Violet Rohde

inspires me

Her middle name is violet. If that isn't sexy, I don't know what is.
I propose a toast. To my wife.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Sunday was fun. I love Sundays because by noon I've put in eight hours and I can usually relax and hang with the fam. Anyway, Sunday we went to a CD release party at Calvary. Marcy Each released "Gravel Road". It has a strong blue grass feel to it and of course the vocals are beautiful. It was fun. I saw a lot of people I haven't seen for a long time too. It got me thinking, though...

Lately I've been writing a lot more songs. I have a wife with an amazing voice. I have some worship team people that would probably be up for recording. I should make a CD.

I don't really care about ME making a CD or about MY songs being recorded. I just write these songs and they have no where to go. I write a song and it sits in the office and collects dust and is never sung to anyone. I don't think they are great songs, but still, I write them and nothing happens. So, I figure, either I make a CD or I quit writing songs and start using my time for something better. Let's take a vote. The following are the lyrics to four songs I'd like to record. I've more, but this will give you an idea.

Here I Am
By Joel Rohde

Here I am in need of your grace
Broken before you, draw me near
This I pray

Here I am use me Lord
I surrender all, make me less
Make You more

And I will live to worship you
I will go to the ends of the earth
Whatever you want, tell me now
Here I am, Lord make me Yours

I Love You
By Joel Rohde

You chase the night away
By lighting each new day
Your light revealing who we really are
You see the wrongs we’ve made
And love us anyway
Your grace is more abundant than the stars

And as we stand and sing these songs
Of worship in this place
May the Spirit of our God
Provide us words of praise

‘Cause You are Holy, mighty to save
You’re the Great I Am, The Ancient of Days
And I will worship You forever
It’s all I can do
Jesus, my Savior.
I love You.

In you all shadows flee
Including those in me
You know the deepest secrets of my heart
You have brought to light
The things I’ve tried to hide
You daily grant to me a brand new start

Meet me here, once again
Breathe new life, enter in

Kinkade vs. Rembrandt
By Joel Rohde

Well it’s raining outside and overcast
My shoes are wet and I have to ask
Without the rain would I be
Thankful for the sun?
I’m shivering because it’s cold
My hands are numb needing hands to hold
If it were always warm
Would I appreciate the warmth?

And maybe in my selfishness
I find it hard to see
The truth of that which God desires for me

I have made a fantasy into my own reality
Like Kinkade my world is
Always blooming bright
I know now, we can’t ignore
The shadows of our life no more
Like Rembrandt we need the darkness to see
God’s reality

Took my son to a great parade
Parked about a block away
We thought we’d put him down
And let him walk on his own
He stopped to pick a dandelion
So we picked him up and he started crying
He didn’t understand our plans
Were so much better than his own

And maybe in his selfishness
He found it hard to see
The plans of his father were much more exciting

How He Loves (Not by me, but I would love to cover it because it is the most beautiful song I've ever heard hands down.)
John Mark McMillan

He is jealous for me
Love's like a hurricane, I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.

Oh, how he loves us so,
Oh, how he loves us,
How he loves us so.

Yea he loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves.

So we are his portion and he is our prize,
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes,
If grace is an ocean we're all sinking.
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss,
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest.
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way...

He loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves.
He loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves us,
Oh how he loves.

I've done some research and to record a CD it will cost around $400 dollars for an 8 hour block of studio time, $1026 dollars to publish 1000 CDs complete with jewel cases, full color inserts and tray panels, UPS bar code, and shrink wrapping. I would need $60 for a copyright. I've no idea how I would go on the mastering of the project. It looks like having a professionally mastered CD would cost between $800 and $1000. So anyway, the whole thing would be less than $3000. I have no idea where I would come up with that, but if you look at it this way, if I sell 300 CDs at $10 a piece I've paid the project off. I don't know if I could do that or not. Let me know your thoughts people.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ring Tones

Okay, so the only problem I ever had with my Palm Centro phone was that its stock ringtones suck and they didn't allow me to use mp3 files. That has all changed. I downloaded software called MiniTones to my phone which allows you to pull songs off of your computer, edit them, and use them as ringtones. So the following is a list of the ringtones I have for the people who are dear to me and who call me. If relevant, I've included the section of the song that I've used.

General Ringtone: The Mario Brothers Theme Song (of course, this is the ringtone I've been using for years and was heartbroken to find that I could not on my Centro)

Ringtone for callers not on my contacts list: O'Fortuna by Carl Orff (This song is often used as an underlay for intense movie sequences)

Pamela Rohde: "Final Frontier" (A.K.A. the "Mad About You" Theme song)

My Mother: "The Mom Song" by Go Fish. Lyrics are as follows:
If you have a stroller
But you're still a rock and roller
You're a mom
If you're tired of doing dishes
And you know who Elmo's fish is
You're a mom
If you have a lot of fun
But your work is never done
You're a mom

You're the boss, the driver
The ultimate survivor
A doctor, a cooker
Your man thinks you're a looker
If you work all day
But you never get paid
You're a mom

If you need a sick day
But instead you're gonna play
You're a mom
If your first occupation
Sounds like a sweet vacation
You're a mom
If your living room floor
Looks like a toy store
You're a mom

If you mean the whole world
To a little boy or girl
You're a mom
The Bible that you hold
Can shape these little souls
You're a mom
If you have the most important job in the world
You're a mom

You're the boss, the driver
The ultimate survivor
A doctor, a cooker
Your man thinks you're a looker
If you work all day
But you never get paid
You're a mom

My Dad: "Super Hero" also by Go Fish (No lyrics needed, its all said in the title)

My Bro Jake: The NFL Sunday on FOX theme

My Bro Jaron: The Marine Corps Hymn

My Bro Jase: The Iowa State Fight Song

My Mother-in-law: "I am Your Mother Too" by Keb' Mo. The chorus of the song is as follows (warning: It is hilarious and may cause belly aching laughing):
Though you came from the womb of another, I will care for you
Life is your sister and Love is your brother
And I am your mother too
I am your mother too.

My S-I-L Ashley: "Brown Eyed Girl" She thinks the song is about her so we try to appease her conscience.

My S-I-L Emily: "College Kids" by Relient K. Lyrics used in ringtone as follows:
Someone please save us, us college kids!
What my parents told me is what I did
They said go to school and be a college kid
But in the end I question why I did.

My B-I-L Bret (he doesn't call me, but if he does for some reason): "Barbie Girl" by AQUA. It's a long story.

My Boss Doug: The Doug Funny Theme Song

That concludes this blog. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Straight to the Truth

Thanks to my sister-in-law I was pointed to a transcript of a White House briefing that took place two days ago. I want to first describe my experience while reading it, and second share with you my favorite part of the briefing.

As I read the briefing I was reminded of "The West Wing" and the briefings that took place with C.J. Craig. Thanks to that show I really feel like I could be in that room while the questions were being asked and answered. I loved it.

The following is my favorite part of the briefing. I have a big beef with the ultra liberal media in this country. Here is a question that isn't news and isn't relative to much other than it could have possibly lead to a slip up that would put our president in yet another negative light. I am interested in reading more of these beginning January 21st to find out if the same types of stupid questions are being asked of our new socialist president. Anyway, here is the question and answer. I'll follow with a few more thoughts.

Q You haven't heard any reflections from him of any different tone or character recently, as he's looking at election day where it appears as though -- again, if you look at the polls, it appears as though a lot of people -- record numbers of people may be going to the poll, you may have a landslide in the works, you may have a -- all predicated on running away from the President. He has -- you haven't heard any sadness, reaction, any kind of disappointment in his voice?

MS. PERINO: The President is -- recognizes what this election has been about. I also think that that might be your characterization of it. I don't think that there are Republicans out there who think that the President hasn't done a good job when it comes to keeping this country safe, replenishing our military so that they can have the resources they need to do the job. The President has asked them to do tough jobs. He made a decision to go to Iraq; he still believes that that was the right decision. And the next President will inherit a fragile, but a democracy in the heart of the Middle East because of that decision.

We have learned from mistakes. We have -- we had tremendous coordination this time around when we had two major hurricanes hit our country, that we we're able to coordinate -- also one of those having hit Louisiana.

So a lot of things have improved. And this President was tested by a lot of different issues and I think he's taken those issues head on, and we can be proud of how we've addressed them. Everybody would like to be popular. You can all remember that back in high school, everyone really wanted to be popular. Some of us just weren't. But that doesn't mean that you don't have principles and values that you stay true to. And that's what this President has done, and it's what he's taught a lot of us, including me.

Okay, it's me again. I dislike having to rely on NBC, CBS, and TIME magazine for my national news. Other outlets that I sometimes get are just as bad. I've talked to a rare conservative who has written for some Chicago news outlets about the liberal bias. Her response was "Yes there is a definite bias within the media, but no they would never admit to it because it so permeates their world that they think they believe what everyone believes and therefore are being completely two sided to every issue."

When I was in high school I wasn't the most popular kid. It amazes me what happens in the long run of high school politics (much like the ones we've witnessed the past few years and are witnessing currently). Those few popular kids who were popular because they were decent people are doing fine. Those few popular kids who were popular because they were willing to do anything to be so are considered losers and drunks now. Those of us who weren't popular because we stuck to our moral integrity no matter what (right or wrong) are the ones who are truly experiencing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that someday we as a nation will look back on this current presidency and wish we had given it the respect it deserved.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How can we be so blind?

We think that we've come so far. We think that we have finally been able to look beyond race. I seriously for a moment thought that this election actually wasn't about race. However, if you were watching NBC tonight when they announced Obama the winner, they would not stop talking about the "victory over racism." We have been blinded by color? We are no further than we were 50 years ago. Tonight, the United States of America provides the world with a leader that will kill babies, impoverish the lower middle class, and work hard to turn the democracy that so many men gave their lives for into a socialist nation with himself the sole person capable of deciding who deserves to pursue happiness, life, and liberty. Patriots died to give us freedom and the right, yes the right, to rip ourselves apart by putting ignorance and conceit in the most powerful position in the world. We have slapped the dead in the face. I realized tonight that it is because he is black and our "victory over racism" trumps our love of country and freedom.


Thank God for his sovereignty. America will fall, but eternity will remain. America has turned to worshipping false gods, we dine on the blood of the innocent, we scoff at the poor by throwing fits when the government allows us to be punished by our own selfishness. America will fall because it has turned its back on the very God who made it great. America will fall, but my God will remain. He is the alpha and the omega. Those who turn to him and beg his forgiveness; those who repent from their selfish ways and surrender their lives in humility, for justice and mercy will enter into eternity with their God and maker. Do not forget the message of righteousness and justice as a witness to the one true God. Now is the time for repentance. America will fall, but God, our Father in heaven, who was and is and is to come, will remain.

Election Night

A poem, by Joel Rohde

Tonight is the election
Bob Dole has an erection
We're waiting for ballot collection
McCain would give us protection

I could not vote for Obama
He kills babys and toasts Osama
He resembles a mexican llama
He is fake and creates shameless drama

But no matter what happens in voting
No matter who will end up gloating
No matter who to the white house is floating
My God is doing the toting

No worries in this humble abode
Our God carrys all of the load
Even though Obama's a toad
God's bigger and is paving the road

This poem is really dumb
My mind is going numb
A sore is growing on my thumb
Have I mentioned Obama's a bum?

Monday, October 20, 2008

This will take approximately 5 minutes 16 seconds to read.

Disclaimer: After reading over what I had written I realized that it gets quite harsh. I recognize we are ALL broken. I'm at no point meaning to attack any specific person or people, or church. I am in ministry and I am extremely thankful to be where I am in the church family that I am in. If God gave me the opportunity to judge and choose each person in my church, I would choose everyone that is there. I'd choose some rather different people as well, though. Basically I am saying this...THE church is broken, your church, and mine. Eventually you have to face that brokenness so that you can receive the love of Christ. I am not sure it was only I writing this whole mess. Oh, and I am going to read it again and time it so that I can warn everyone how long it will take in the "Title" of this blog.

I have no idea why, but I can't sleep. There has been so much on my mind lately. I am constantly convicted of my selfishness. I am constantly trying to figure out what it means to lose my life for Christ. I am constantly pondering what Jesus means when he says,

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."

I know that Jesus knows my limitations and what I need to do in order to "lose" my life for Him, but what is he demanding of us? I know the simple answer. Many would say, well Jesus really isn't making a blanket statement here about some absolute thing that you must do, but it is different for everyone. But I want to know, how long will we use that approach to justify watching injustice happen all around us? How long will we stand at the pulpit on Sunday morning and tell people nicely that they are to give a "tithe" to God and forget this very statement. Jesus tells the rich man to sell everything. Jesus doesn't stop there. Notice that we only talk about "tithe" and "stewardship" when referring to money. What the heck?

I have been observing many people who have been very close to me for the past few weeks. They come from all extremes in this. I have unfairly judged people on these observations, as if I'm the expert of casting off myself. I just feel like there is truth that needs to be said, and no one is saying it. There are people around me who daily worry so much about their lawn, their house, their level of cleanliness, their checkbook, the economy, what other people are going to think about them or the things that they are a part of, what they look like, their pet's exercises program, their diet, their status, etc... What gets me is they do it all in the name of Jesus! JESUS!!! If you ask them how they have lost their life they would probably reply something like, well I gained the courage to knock on the door of my neighbors house and asked them to come to church.
I'm sorry, but WTF? You asked them to come to CHURCH? CHURCH!? Where we constantly worry about how nice our stuff is, how great our music sounds, the impression we make on that neighbor as he/she walks through the door, the "appeal" of our children's programs, the bait we can use to get people to "join" our small groups and life groups, how we can make church more "comfortable", etc...
Don't get me wrong. Those are good things. People should come to church, people should ask their neighbor to come to church. But how far do we go before we start believing that we actually have something to do with people's conversion to Christ?
My brother Jase just told an AMAZING story about how he got to witness Christ's mercy, grace, and justice, with a friend and new part of God's family. What follows is a brief, uninformed, summary.

Long story short, a fifth year senior, atheist, who lives on his floor and hangs out in his room often has been encountering guys his entire college career that love him and have something different going on in their lives. This guy finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when a Bible study breaks out in the room he's hanging out in. He keeps coming, but always silent, always refuting in his mind. He hears someones testimony at a Christian worship celebration, and while in my brother's room decides that he wants to believe and follow this Jesus guy who loved him so much that he gave his life for him.

Why do I tell you this story, because I want to point out something that the church doesn't dwell on enough. Jase had NOTHING to do with that process. Not even a little bit. Jase if your reading, hear me out. The Holy Spirit reveals himself when He decides to. This guy had been wrestling with Jesus for awhile, he was directed on a path that led him to Jase's room, Jase felt God lead him to do something and Jase did it. But here's the kicker, the Holy Spirit could have revealed Himself to this guy at any point in the process. He could have chosen to meet this guy years before, or in another person's room, or on the toilet or something. Jase talked about an awkward moment during the night. That was pivotal. All of a sudden nothing mattered to Jase and he was filled with Christs love for this guy. God's grace is so great that it provided the very air that filled that room so that Jase could speak the words that he spoke.

When will we get this? When will we stop trying to impress each other, then invite people to church so that they can learn how to properly impress each other? When will we stop trying to gain and start giving everything?

I witnessed two people in my life sell everything they owned and head to the unknown. Since then child after child has experienced the love of Jesus for the first and maybe only time they ever will because of these people. They have changed the course of History. These people have suffered much. They've lived on a roller coaster with a few highs and some deep lows. They would never go back though, because the greatest award awaits them when they get home. They are tempted everyday to give in to those people that wonder what they are doing and comment about it behind closed doors. But they know a different Jesus than we know. They know the Jesus that touched the leper, and healed the blind. They've forgotten the "Wal-Mart" Jesus that we've created.

There is a woman that spend most of her time working at BP so that she can keep care of her family and fix up the damage done by the flood this year. She was literally homeless for two weeks at the height of the flood. Her name is Tammy and while we are at church on Sunday morning, Jesus is at BP................weeping.

When we stop worrying about ourselves and start worrying about Tammy and the drunk, the gay guy, the transvestite, the stripper, the prostitute, the poor, the hurting, the people who don't dress as nice, or smell as nice, or have a disability, or a disease or are too old, or too crazy, or are just plainly the least of these, when we start worrying about them enough to enter into their lives just to love them, when we hear THEM say to US, "God is good". THEN we have experienced the eternal. We will experience such heavenly blessings that we will NEVER go back to Wal-Mart Jesus.

Friday, October 17, 2008

3:55 am

So my son has not been feeling well the last couple of days. He's been running a low fever and has just not been his normal playful self. We had his 1 year well-baby appointment yesterday and everything is fine, he is just going through some discomfort. It amazes me, however, that no matter what kind of discomfort it is, I can't stand knowing that he isn't feeling his best.
So tonight, or last night rather, he kept getting up in the middle of the night. Usually he is a great sleeper. This night, however, he had some major troubles sleeping. Twice I went into his room where he was standing in his crib. I put my hand on his back and hug him without taking him out of his crib. He settles down and goes back to sleep. He is warm in the head and cold in the hands. He is wearing his cozy jammies from grandma and grandpa Rohde. I repeat the routine an hour later. I'm pretty sure that Pam went through it once too. Then I again. This time it is 3:55am and I am just not able to sleep. So I've been up. I have done the following;
I read "The Banner" from cover to cover. (For those who don't know, "The Banner" is the Christian Reformed Church's denominational magazine publication.)
I read TIME magazine cover to cover.
I got hungry and warmed up hotdogs left over from Gabriel's b-day party.
And now I'm blogging.
To be honest, I am rather enjoying this time.

I really appreciated Emily's last blog. She is my sister-in-law and she is also one of the funniest people I know. She directed her faithful readers to a couple of links that "You entertain yourself, learn useful information, and help the world all at the same time. How nice!"
Here are a few of the links;

I've been wrestling for the past few weeks with this thing that the church has unintentionally created that a good friend of mine calls "The Corprate Jesus". Sometimes I think we spend so much time catering to people's need for comfort that we forget what we're here for. Why can't we just love people and have it be that easy. I guess what gets me most is this need to live a well trimmed, neat, orderly life where we work hard to gain a nice home with four bedroom, a three car garage, a nice lawn that we can spend hours every week keeping exactly as high as our neighbors, a white picket fence, a clean car, a spotless interior, etc... What kind of Jesus are we showing the world? Let's face it, no one really likes all that, everyone is just doing it because everyone else is doing it. Jesus didn't have a lawn, his feet probably smelled, and I'm guessing that his clothes were pretty dusty most of the time. But the people he was around never went hungry or thirsty nor did they starve for eternity. The people around Jesus, at least the ones who accepted him as Lord, knew what it meant to live life to the fullest. They were concerned about "the least of these." The early church was known for their ability to die well, not to live well. Jesus said to the rich man that he must sell everything. I don't think he was kidding. I watched my parents do this. I've been one of I think very few children who actually got to see what this can look like. I saw my parents sell everything. I have seen the ways in which God has rewarded them. I have seen a Jesus that is there. Oh my goodness it is hard sometimes. He never said it would be easy. It downright sucks sometimes, but I have seen a Jesus that is THERE. He is so not the corprate machine that we have made him out to be. He is the one that looks at the orphan, the widow, the drunk, the prositute, the homosexual, and yes, his broken church and says, I know what you are going through and I am here.

So where are we? Who are we trying to impress? Do we really think we are entitled to "The American Dream"? When are we going to find the very poorest and say, Jesus is here with me so I'll be here with you?

As for me and my house, it is now.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

Thank you mom for pointing this out to me. One day Iraqi boys and girls are going to sit in classrooms and learn about the freedom of their country. A freedom brought to them and given them by men and women from the great country of America.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Real Quick

Pam is teaching a spiritual gifts class in 1/2 hour. We had church today. It went just fine despite Doug and Nancy being gone. I must say this though. However well church goes on Sunday without them, I hate when they aren't there. It just isn't as much fun. Church is supposed to be fun. I need Doug to make fun of me for something on Sunday mornings or it just isn't the same.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Central College

I like Central. I don't like paying Central most of my check each month, but I like the school. Pam and I got a wild hair and decided to go and help Emily move into Central today. I'm glad we did. She was genuinely excited to see us I think, and I genuinely excited to have a day with Pam and Gabriel. Pam and I talked about spiritual gifts all the way up and back. Gabriel took a nap and has been happy all day. We walked Pella and saw the billions of flowers everywhere. I often forget that Pella has so many flowers besides Tulips. It is really a beautiful town. I miss it.

As far as spiritual gifts go, I learned that my spiritual gifts are in this order, faith, intercession, and prophesy. I learned that I am a person/unstructured type meaning I am energized by people and am not organized. It is funny how extraordinarily people/unstructured I am. I also have a celebration ministry passion. Basically it boils down to me being a worship leader is a great fit. That is good I guess.

Anyway, Gabriel is playing my guitar and he is not very gentle. I must help him.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Another Post Because Pam's Not Home Yet

This is post 2 tonight.

A poem for the one I love.

She cleans the house
She mops the floor
She cooks the meals
And so much more

She's way too good
For a guy like me
I'm glad I made
Her marry me

I'm not as bad
As I make me sound
I do things too
When I'm around

But without her
I'm a hat with no bill
I suppose that would make me
A skull cap

That last stanza
Did not rhyme
Tony Danza
Simply sublime

And now I'm making
Up these phrases
I should be baking
Doughnuts with glazes

But then again
I know I will not
A dorsal fin
Was on the fish I caught

Now I stop
With this silly poem
My wife is HOT
I want her home

Guys Night

Tonight was guys night. What that means is this, mom was working and dad has Gabriel. Here are my thoughts and observations.

Gabriel's tongue is obviously hurting. He bit it pretty hard this morning while at a play group that he is a part of. He held it, touched it, and stuck it out all night. The play group was fun for him, I caught a little of the last bit of it when I picked Pam and Gabriel up. I got a kick out of the mom that didn't miss the opportunity to tell us how smart her kid was. It was funny though, because as she was telling us all about how her little girl walked at 8 months and can learn baby sign language in the blink of an eye and prove Einsteins theory of relativity, Gabriel saw another mom handing out free Gerber Puffs and pushed Mrs. Proud Mom's little girl on her butt so he could be first in line. HAH! Of course, like good parents, we scolded Gabriel, but hey, the kid was hungry, if you can't run with the big dawgs go back to the science lab. Turns out all that ruff housing that I can finally do with my son is paying off. He's pretty smart too.

Gabriel was fussy so we went on a walk to see mommy at Tro Sno. He was asleep in less than a block of walking. He was just out of sorts. He slept for a good half hour, mind you this was at 7:00 at night. That is one and one-half hour before his bed time. He woke up crabby so we walked home. Then I fed him supper as he wined and held his tongue. I felt bad for him. Then I pulled out the happy guns (happy guns are things or something that is a surefire Gabriel favorite). I stripped him down and we took a bath for about 1/2 an hour. He would live in the tub if he could. He was so excited. If you have forgotten why baths are fun, take a bath with Gabriel and he will remind you. We practiced our butterfly stroke and worked on the back stroke as well. The picture of Michael Phelps on this week's Sports Illustrated is cool and all with 8 heavy gold medals around his neck, but Gabriel is already got the flip turn down. Nine golds will be nothing for him.

After the bath we got dressed and did crawling laps around the coffee table. Me chasing him and him laughing. After a couple of minutes of that he got fussy again and wanted to be held. I took him into his room and read him a couple books. He was tired but not even close to sleeping. I decided I'd put him in his crib anyway and walked out of the room. Then I listened to him for fifteen minutes sing himself to sleep. He didn't cry even a little. He wanted to go to sleep so he laid there and sang to himself.

I love being a dad. I LOVE it. When I showed up to play group to pick them up this morning he saw me from a distance, got a HUGE grin and just gave a great guffaw. He was excited to see me. There is nothing in this world that can trigger that sort of inward joy. I have it made in the shade. Between Pam and Gabriel, I have everything. God is good.

By the way, I've talked a lot about Gabriel in this blog. That is because it is titled guys night. Pam is a girl. However, I can say this. I miss her terribly right now and I can't wait for guys night to be over and parents night to begin.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight

Yes it is 3:30 a.m.
Yes I was foolishly young again and went to a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight"
Yes it was amazing
Yes the Joker is the greatest villain of all time
Yes I am finally tired and going to bed

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tasmanian Devil Invasion

So yesterday Pam worked her rear off and got the apartment looking super nice and neat and clean. So when I left for work today I left a sparkling apartment. It was great! Three cheers for Pam. When I returned home from work however, this is what the living room looked like.

So I said to Pam, "What happened?"
"Gabriel." Was all she said.

Lesson from the John Deere Classic

So I had the honor of working the John Deere Classic last Wednesday as a "hole marshal". Let me assure you, it sounds way more important than it is. Basically I was the guy that held the quiet please sign before each shot. We were located on the 12th hole which is a par 3. It was fun and I learned a lot. First, most pros are really pretty nice guys. We as marshals weren't allowed to talk to the pros unless they talked to us first. I was genuinely surprised to find that many of them were very nice guys who would say hi, how ya doin, and sometimes get chatty and tell you about their new dog. Notice I said "most" pros. I must admit that Zach Johnson the big shot who won a green jacket last year. Ummmm, yeah, he wouldn't even look in your direction. Maybe he was just in the zone, or something. So much so that he placed 69th or something like that. Anyway, the biggest lesson I learned as I took part in the hype that surrounds the god-like men that take to the tee and drive 400 yards with a 9 iron was this. Even the pros have butt sweat.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Take Me Away

Feeling overcast
Completely incomplete
Don’t have it all figured out
All the answers to believe
This world has lost its wings
Broken by the one who sings
Depravity has pushed me down again
So take me away to the place that my heart knows
The place that I call home
So Take me away to that peaceful shore
Where I will long no more
Take me away
Where has mercy gone?
Everything feels undone
Really trying hard
This life’s a long dry run
But when I look up in the sky
My heart begins to fly
As the hope of what I’ll be heals who I am
so far away
Lord you seem to be
Grace and faith
Just a beautiful …mystery
- Andrew Landers

I heard it and had to write it here. Today, this is me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Word is Relieving in So Many Ways

I am blogging right now because of a few things. My in-laws are in town. Which is cool. They take Gabriel whenever I need an extra hand or something. They clean the house, take out the trash, etc... It is like having a midget. It is a dream come true. We went to the pool yesterday and they even went on the slides with me. I was like a little kid again. Actually, John was really like a little kid. He was telling me during the 10 minute break they have every hour that when he was a kid they used to dare each other to jump in the pool and then they'd get in trouble and have to sit out for awhile. It was funny because he is funny.

Anyway, I read all of 2 Timothy today while I took a poop. That is the best part about having a Bible on your phone.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pam 43001X

What is there to write? She is so cool. She is like a tropical sno on a hot day. She refreshes me, makes me smile, makes me laugh, makes my mouth water, makes me have to pee! She is as beautiful as rainbow, but tastes like melonberry. Sometimes she asks me to carry her jugs from the car to the building. No guy could ever be so lucky. EVER! She can do more cool things than my Palm Centro 43000X. She can stay up till the wee hours of the morning with me. What? It's 1:30am and she's going to bed. WAIT HONEY! I'M COMING TOO!!!!

Sharing Toast Sticks

I'm really excited. This coming week, my brother and his wife will be arriving for a visit. Jake and Elizabeth live in Denver and we haven't seen them since January. I miss Jake and think often on how good it would be for me to hear him laugh again. Jake is one who has always brought joy into the lives of people around him. Not only that, but when you do manage to get him mad, he is easy to reconcile with because he laughs at anything that contains a sliver of humor. What? Jake is mad? Tell him that you hit the chicken crossing the road. BOOOM! Jake's not mad anymore. Instead, he is laughing and shaking his head and saying..."I hate you Joel" which means, "I wish I could be mad at you, but you are just so freaking funny I can't help but laugh!" Anyway, I can't wait to see him again. I also look forward to seeing Elizabeth. She likes baseball, and that is cool.

In other news, Gabriel shares things. For example, he decided today that he was going to share his toast stick with Pam. How nice.

In still more news, Pam is super mom. She manages to run a business, mother a child, and clean the apartment. I couldn't survive without her.

In even more news, I got a new phone. It is the Palm Centro. It is so cool, I've renamed it the Palm Centro 43000X. I did this for two reasons. Cool things have super big numbers and the letter X involved in their names. The second reason is because there are at least 43000 cool things that the phone can do. For instance, since working at North Ridge Community Church I've been forced to get somewhat organized. I keep a Google calendar updated with various appointments and deadlines. This phone allows me to sync my calendar directly to my phone, complete with alarms to remind me of important things. Also, it has a touch screen, which is so now. It is an MP3 player, an electronic Sudoku game, an alarm clock, a Bible (yes I have palm software with the NIV, KJV, and NLT on it), a Microsoft Power Point, Excel, and Word program, camera, video recorder, voice memo recorder, navigator, address book, text messenger, and...oh, a phone. This phone does a whole slew of things too that I don't know anything about. I did learn that if someone with another palm wants something that is on my phone we can "beam" the info to each other by setting our phones next to each other and telling it what to beam. It is so treky. This is useful because when my boss, Doug, saw my phone he decided he was going to trade his and get and Palm Centro 543223049X (bigger number because he definitely wouldn't go for a 43000X if you knew Doug you'd understand). Anyway, I can't wait to "beam" things to him. It will be fun.

I feel the need to wrap this up with a typical wrapping up sentence. So here goes...
"That's all folks"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1 Timothy

okay, so I am failing so far at posting. I just had a great accountability time with my pal. We are reading through First Timothy. If you ever want to read something that will kick your butt give it a shot. There is a lot of responsibility in being a leader of Christ's Church, and I need Jesus a lot, but I am so thankful for His grace. He has chosen me! In fact, he thinks I am worthy for some reason. Praise be to God and His storehouses of grace. He has chosen each of us for a purpose. Are you fulfilling His call? Are you listening. Do you know what he has given you the honor of doing for Him?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bad Blogger

I'm going to try to be a better blogger. I read my wife's blog, my brother's blog, my former worship leader's wife's blog...with them as my models I am promising to blog more. So to all of you who currently read this blog, never fear. I am blogging again and often. Thanks a lot for your loyalty.

Monday, June 16, 2008

One of my favorite parts of my job is creating graphics for our message series. The upcoming one is my favorite as far as graphics go. It is the symbol for eternal life (the ring wrapped around the trinity) with some whispy breathlike thingys. Behind it are the words Love, Humility, Kindness, and Gentleness. The series is titled pneumabiotics (pneuma=spirit, biotics=life).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm Such a Rebel

It is past 1:00am and I am up with Gabriel. He is pretending to sleep on my chest. I know he is pretending because I've tried to lay him down six times after extensive rocking and cuddling. Alas, he has decided that he is only going to sleep while in my arms. On the bright side I've only been able to spend a brief few hours with my child today and although he is sleeping, there is no greater feeling than knowing that he thinks I'm his everything. Of course, it is my prayer that he will get that out of his little head early. I really do want him to know his true Father's love. While everything in me wants to claim Gabriel as my own, I know that what has been given to me is meant for greater things than what my depraved self can give. Sweet sweet grace.

On another note, I've noticed that it is late at night that I am able to unwind and actually think. I wish I could get this honest during the day. It is sad that I can't. So in this time of honesty I am quite apt to write things I may not at other more...awake times. I feel like such a rebel drinking the darkness while the rest of the world feeds off tasty dreams or bitter nightmares.

Funny the things on TV at 1:20 in the morning. Sleeping is for the weak. Ho Ha Hum!
Good night, I'm tired, Gabriel is down for the count it seems, and I am going to bed.

Grace Under Fire...Extinguishers?

So there is this little cafe in downtown D-port that I just love to sit in. It is called Mojo's and everyday at noon they have live music. So I've decided to make it my office. There are a ton of interesting people that come in and out of there. And grace flows in and out like liquid. Like today a man stopped by with a fire extinguisher in a basket on the back of his bicycle. Talk about being ever ready. Man, you might find that unusual, but I'll tell you what, if you catch on fire, who do you want next to you? Your pa, ma, sis, bro, hubby, kids, or that man with the fire extinguisher? Isn't it funny that everyone has a place, a story, a purpose, and a need? There but for the grace of God go I.