Monday, March 2, 2009

It Only Takes a Spark

So I got a rather odd song request this week after church. I was asked if we could sing "It Only Takes a Spark". They said that the song is their favorite and they would really love it if we could play it at church. Typically I would laugh and think "NO WAY AM I PLAYING THAT SONG". But more and more lately, God is revealing to me that my opinion on song selection is obviously not shared by everyone. In fact, I am realizing that there are very few people that REALLY appreciate the things in music that I do. Now, I don't think that my appreciations for things in music are any better than anyone Else's what-so-ever. I do think that they tend to be vastly different. That being the case, and my strong convictions that style of music matters zero to how a church should function in worship, I am considering doing a special music with this song. NOT for that person of course, but for all who think that Chris Tomlin and Paul Baloche are the very people God sent to this earth to teach us what TRUE worship is. I am putting a poll on the side of my blog. I would like your votes. I will put a number of songs, each with somewhat different styles, and you pick the ones that you would prefer in church. Your opinion will matter as much as mine, which is not much, but it will be fun in any case. Thanks.


Jake Rohde said...

I voted for all the ones I've heard of (or at least that I think I've heard of).

I don't know why, but I find myself getting excited in church when old hymns are played.

Emily Romero said...

I think you should do "Dancing Queen."
Cuz then it's like we're dancing for God... and everyone can sing ABBA! Hooray!

Joel Rohde said...

What do you care? You don't go to church anyway Em.

Mom (L) said...

I wish "I Wish I Were A Pirate" were a church song, because that would be my first pick.

Actually, I'm with Jake here - I love the old hymns. I love them the way they are originally, and I love them the way you 'redo' them. I love them.

And I love anything you sing, or Pam sings, or Pam and Ashley sing. Or Bret sings. Or any ABBA song that Emily sings and dances to.