Monday, April 6, 2009


Last week Iowa made gay marriage legal. If you haven't yet heard about this, wake up. Before I get too far in this blog I want to say that I don't really care too much about the whole gay marriage thing. Christians everywhere argue that the Bible says no to being gay (and it does) and therefore the state shouldn't allow gay marriage. The other argument is that gay marriage is bad for family. Those arguments to me are lame. VERY lame. The state should allow anyone to get married including brothers and sisters, my neighbor to his dog, whoever wants to get married should be able to according to the state. In my opinion the state should have no say in who can and can't get married. My beef is this. There are actually pastors that will marry gay people. You see, we all go to churches that have accepted divorce as a very common thing. We don't talk about it. We don't tell people that it is wrong. When people DO get divorced we don't ridicule them if they want to remarry. Technically, the Bible states that being married after a separation except for certain circumstances, is living a lifestyle of sin.
My argument is this. If the church does its job in holding marriage up as an institution between God and 1 man and 1 wife then we wouldn't have to worry about anything. Gay marriage could be technically legal and yet no gay couple could ever get married. While we speak of it. If the church REALLY was doing its job, no two non-christians could ever get married either. Why? Because again, marriage is a covenant between God and 1 man and 1 woman. In America everyone gets married. My brother Jake had a great post on how the church treats single people like lesser people. Look it up, he is right on the money. I have always just assumed that if people are married then Pam and I have that in common with them. But not necessarily so. If two people are married and both people don't accept and follow Christ. To me, they are something other than married. Maybe they are together by contract or something. Anyway, if we want to get pissed about legal gay marriage in Iowa then I suggest we get pissed about a lot of other false beliefs that we have about the Holy covenant of marriage. The truth of marriage and family has been cheapened by the church, not the state. Do your job pastors and refuse to marry non-christians, gays, and whoever else chooses to not pursue a Christ-like lifestyle, and it won't be a problem.

That is my rant for the day.


Amanda "Mandie" Winans said... I know that this is an older post...but here I go:

First of all, I spent a lot of my time with Grandma for Thanksgiving (I drove down broken arm and all and stayed with her)while I was down there I rode with Uncle Jeremy and we were listening to talk radio. As you probably know, CA is trying to figure out the marriage thing. I agree with what you said for the most part, and while talking to Uncle Germ-y about it he brought about an interesting point, "who cares anymore." I think this goes hand in hand with what you're saying. He told me that marriage today is so incredibly different and has different definitions and meanings today then they did in the past. The significance and beauty of marriage has tarnished over the years. So; therefore, like you said, let them have those documents that say they're married. Christians that uphold the true meaning of marriage KNOW what marriage is. We must show through example. Just a small opinion :)