Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yes, another post about running.

I am learning a whole bunch of stuff. We have now wrapped up 8 weeks of training for this marathon thing. If you had asked me 3 months ago what I thought about running I would have told you that it wasn't for me and I don't enjoy it. Here is how far we've come, and though I know that I have a long ways yet to go, I have already come a long way.

1. I haven't felt this good or this energized in...well...maybe my whole life. I was even more fit in high school, but even that was so go go go that I'm not sure I could "enjoy" my feeling good.

2. I have a two year old that finds it fun to take off like a bat out of hell anytime we set him down in a store. He can turn on a dime and will NOT look back. He doesn't care if we are following or not. 3 months ago I hated this because, even though he is two, he is fast and I would get tired just chasing him. Not anymore, he doesn't stand a chance now.

3. Long flights of stairs are no problem now.

4. I look forward to the next Rohde rendezvous so we can play football and I can outlast my brothers. I think after a marathon, I might even be able to give Jaron a run for his money.

5. I want to climb Mount Bishop with Jaron. I hated climbing it last time.

6. Runners are really cool people. They always have a word of encouragement as you pass them on the road. They always wave, smile, and warn you of loose dogs or ice or things.

7. Did I mention that I feel great! Every day as I start the run I go about half a mile or 1 mile and I feel sore, but then it is an experience when all of a sudden all pain goes away and you feel like you could run forever. This really happens. I never really believed it. I can promise that you honestly get to a point where it doesn't even matter anymore.

8. I don't suck wind anymore. At this point, I think the only thing that would stop me from running would be pain in my legs or lower back. I don't get tired and need to suck wind. The training is specifically designed to strengthen the areas of the body that are hit hard during running. So I don't think I even have to worry about that.

9. There is an overwhelming sense of pride when I get home and think...yeah, I just ran 2 miles.

10. I can't wait till I'm running 7-8 miles every time I go out.

11. You should see my calf muscles. Yeah, if I can get my belly to go away and my arms to beef up like my calves, I'm going to try out for the next twilight movie. Gosh, if THEY can get a part with their crappy acting, surely I could fit in somewhere.


Emily Romero said...

You should so be in a Twilight movie! I think you could pull off being a vampire for sure.

Joel Rohde said...

A vampire? A VAMPIRE?!?! Wow, I thought I had a great gift for you for Christmas. Now I have to take it back and get you a gage that measures how much you are being a turd face. Thanks a lot for ruining Christmas.